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Bounderby; 'tis his wife. Yo'r not fearfo' o' her. Yo was hey-go-mad about her, but an hour sin. 'But are you sure it's the lady, and not the gentleman? she asked, still trembling. 'Certain sure! 'Well then, pray don't speak to me, nor yet take any notice of me, said the old woman. 'Let me be quite to myself in this corner.

But you must confess that you were born in the lap of luxury, yourself. Come, ma'am, you know you were born in the lap of luxury. 'I do not, sir, returned Mrs. Sparsit with a shake of her head, 'deny it. Mr. Bounderby was obliged to get up from table, and stand with his back to the fire, looking at her; she was such an enhancement of his position. 'And you were in crack society.

'Princes and lords may flourish or may fade, A breath can make them, as a breath has made, it was, for certain, more or less understood among the company that he had heard of Mrs. Sparsit. 'Mr. Bounderby, said Mrs. Sparsit, 'you are unusually slow, sir, with your breakfast this morning.

'The proposal is like yourself, and if the position I shall assume at the Bank is one that I could occupy without descending lower in the social scale 'Why, of course it is, said Bounderby. 'If it was not, ma'am, you don't suppose that I should offer it to a lady who has moved in the society you have moved in. Not that I care for such society, you know! But you do. 'Mr.

I'll give you to understand, in reply to that, that there unquestionably is an incompatibility of the first magnitude to be summed up in this that your daughter don't properly know her husband's merits, and is not impressed with such a sense as would become her, by George! of the honour of his alliance. That's plain speaking, I hope. 'Bounderby, urged Mr. Gradgrind, 'this is unreasonable.

Bounderby was there, she replied, at cross- purposes, that she had never called him by that name since he married Louisa; that pending her choice of an objectionable name, she had called him J; and that she could not at present depart from that regulation, not being yet provided with a permanent substitute.

'By your visiting proposition, said Bounderby, with an inflexible jerk of the hayfield. 'I mean that I hope you may be induced to arrange in a friendly manner, for allowing Louisa a period of repose and reflection here, which may tend to a gradual alteration for the better in many respects. 'To a softening down of your ideas of the incompatibility? said Bounderby.

Bounderby himself, in a bullying vein of public zeal, might play a Roman part it was consented that Sissy and Louisa should repair to the place in question, by a circuitous course, alone; and that the unhappy father, setting forth in an opposite direction, should get round to the same bourne by another and wider route. It was further agreed that he should not present himself to Mr.

Bounderby then, and your brother sent me away, and I tried to find you, but you was not to be found, and I went back to work. Soon as I come out of the Mill to-night, I hastened to hear what was said of Stephen for I know wi' pride he will come back to shame it! and then I went again to seek Mr.

I cannot possibly be hard upon your brother. I understand and share the wise consideration with which you regard his errors. With all possible respect both for Mr. Gradgrind and for Mr. Bounderby, I think I perceive that he has not been fortunate in his training.