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Felix Pinner, July 20, 1918. Cf. Bonsoir, July 29, 1919. The price was not fixed, but the minimum was specified. It was one hundred thousand kronen. Cf. Der Tag, Vienna, August 13, 1919. L'Echo de Paris, August 15, 1919. By Dr. F. Pinner, H. Vorst, and others. The condemned man is tied to a post or a cross, his mouth gagged, and the execution is made to last several hours.

"Bonsoir, Madame Punctual," echoed his great voice from the end of the garden, and again he broke forth in song as he came hurrying back to the house with his lantern and his bunch of seasoning. Following at his heels trotted the Essence of Selfishness. "Oh, you beauty!" cried Alice.

On one occasion Bonsoir was seized for expressing the view that the Treaty embodied an Anglo-Saxon peace; on another for reproducing an interview with Marshal Foch that had already appeared in a widely circulated Paris newspaper. By way of justifying another of these seizures the French censor alleged that an article in the paper was deemed uncomplimentary to Mr. Lloyd George.

"All right.... Bonsoir, Crimpette." Outside the rain had stopped. A stormy wind had torn the clouds to rags. Here and there clusters of stars showed through. They splashed merrily through the puddles. But here and there reflected a patch of stars when the wind was not ruffling them. "Christ, Ah wish Ah was like you, Andy," said Chrisfield. "You don't want to be like me, Chris.

At dawn it was very foggy, and there was some shouting heard in Gommecourt, which sounded like "Bonsoir," but at 7-10 a.m. the enemy opened a heavy bombardment which lasted hours. Shells of every kind were fired and our trenches hit in several places; one man was killed.

Courli!" they called, the old birds with a rasp, the young ones cheerfully; as one says "bonsoir." The cows, conscious of the fast-approaching dark, were moving toward the child. She stood still until they had passed her, then drove them slowly back to the Père Bourron's, her two-sous piece clutched safe in her hand.

But it seems that from the atavistic source whence he inherited his beautiful hands, there survived in him an instinct which craved in woman the indefinable quality that he could never meet, the quality which was common to Melisande and Phedre and Rosalind and Fedora and the child-wife of David Copperfield. It is, as I have indicated, the ladies who bid him bonsoir.

I sang "Suwanee River," "Shoo-fly," and "Good-by, Johnny, come back to your own chickabiddy." Then I sang a song of Prince Metternich's, called, "Bonsoir, Marguerite," which he accompanied. I finished, of course, with "Beware!" which Charles accompanied. The Emperor came up to me and asked, "What does chickabiddy mean?"

Alors I must talk to you about her in the morning. I have some more things in my head to say. Pardon! et bonsoir. She pushed the rug into his hands. He was so moved that he let it drop on the floor unheeding, and as she looked at him, half audacious, half afraid, she saw a painful struggle, as of some strange new birth, pass across his dark young face.

"I wonder why Thérèse has locked her door?" Miss Clifford remarked wonderingly when Aline had disappeared into her mistress's bedroom. "She doesn't usually.... Listen, Roger, was that a car outside?" Two minutes later Chalmers, with an air of relief, announced: "Dr. Bousquet, sir." "Bonsoir, Madame! Bonsoir, Monsieur! I hope I have not kept you long. I came as quickly as I could.