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Originally he was a bona-fide historical personage, Theodoric the Ostrogoth, and as such gained a widespread popularity among his people. His historical character, however, was soon lost in the maze of legendary lore which surrounded his name, and which, as time went on, ascribed to him feats ever more wildly heroic.

The American blockading squadron, which had undertaken the almost impossible task of stopping all traffic along 3,000 miles of coast, consisted of nearly a hundred vessels of different sorts and sizes bonâ-fide men-of-war, captured blockade-runners, unemployed steam-packets, with many other vessels pressed into government service.

"You're sure you're a bona-fide uncle and no vanishing 'genie'?" she half jestingly, half wistfully remarked as the warning "All aboard!" sounded and she gave him her hand at parting. "I'm sure of the relationship, and I think I am of too substantial proportions to become invisible to mortal eyes at a moment's warning.

On the third day my two adjutants were again taken before the general, and cross-examined, but no evidence could be found against their being bona-fide messengers. You have killed some of my Red Cross people, but I know it was done by those 'damned' unscrupulous Johannesburgers. Tell them I shall pay them for this!"

Now, I withdraw; for Burmah puts India quite in the shade! You can come direct by the Henderson line for £36, sailing from Glasgow or Liverpool £36 for a month on the blue sea, on a comfortable ship with lots of deck-room. This line gives specially reduced fares for bona-fide missionaries, so artists should be taken free over page is one of their liners.

"Is this a bona-fide offer, Captain Gilbert?" and Dykeman came in after him. "A gambler's chance at stolen money is that what you figure on buying, sir? Is that it?" And heavy-faced Anson asked bluntly, "Who's to set the price on it? You or us? There's practically a million dollars in that suitcase. It belongs to the bank.

There was a dressing case I know Bea will keep it brought me a cool hundred commission it had just come in. I plunged and bought two altar scarfs she can use for her reading stand she likes such things, besides all the bona-fide orders. I've been working for fair and I've made over a thousand dollars." Trudy kissed Bubseley between his pale little eyes. "You Lamb!

One was a bona-fide husband the other a bogus article, let New York divorce laws decide what they will, provided always that the fallen Julius had not bidden farewell to this lower earth before his loyal Louise plighted her faith to her Southern gallant. Death is the Alexander of the universe. There is no retying the knots he has cut."

"I can't help it," said that lady, stoutly; "I'm old-fashioned, I suppose. But it seems to me like legalized gambling." Mr. Spence took this somewhat severe arraignment of his career in admirable good nature. And if these be such a thing as an implied wink, Honora received one as he proceeded to explain what he was pleased to call the bona-fide nature of the transactions of Dallam and Spence.

I trust, Leach, you have not been destroying your prospects in life by looking too wistfully at a tobacco-field?" "Not I, sir; and if you will give me leave to say it, Captain Truck, I do not think a plug has been landed from the ship, which did not go ashore in a bona-fide tobacco-box, that might appear in any court in England. The people will swear, to a man, that this is true."