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They thought, because they changed their names and wore cheap clothes, that, presto! they were as workers and could pass on to an uninformed reading public the trials of the worker. Sometimes they were written by an immigrant, a bona-fide worker. The tragedy of such a life in this business-ridden land of ours tore one's soul.

The name of the writer, which for obvious reasons it is best not to divulge, was that of an officer who, I have since discovered, is well and favorably known in Pittsburg. The whole thing was a bewildering paradox. There was no doubt of its being a bona-fide letter, nor of Adjutant Faith Manners and my room-mate being one and the same person.

"Oh, a little matter of six or seven hundred miles from here." "Glory to God!" "Might as well be six or seven thousand." "And very probably isn't a bona-fide strike at all," said the priest, "but just a stampede a very different matter." "Well, I tell you straight: I got no use for a gold-mine in Minook at this time o' year." "Nop! Venison steak's more in my line than grub-stake just about now."

Don't you worry about that, Linn, or about anything; for you know you mustn't increase that feverishness, or we shall have you a right-down, bona-fide patient on our hands; and then when will you get back to the theatre again? I am going out now to telegraph to Lehmann.

These latter are used as bait by men who have nothing bona-fide to offer, and who make their fattest profits out of their shallowest shafts. Methods vary among such fraudulent operators, but new victims continually are found.

First, the number is few. Second, and more important, any bona-fide worker capable of writing any kind of book on any subject, puts himself so far above the rank and file that one is justified in asking, for how many does he speak?

It is here that we learn nearly all that we know about Confucius. Since the work was composed, as we have it, within a century of the master's death, there seems good reason for believing that we have here a bona-fide record of what he thought and said. Other speakers are generally disciples of Confucius. I care little who makes a nation's laws if I have the making of its ballads.

Witnesses proved this man to be the bona-fide Imam of the quarter, and the Grand Vizier gave orders to his Chief Detective to capture, within three days, on pain of death, and bring to the Sublime Porte, this fearless evil-doer. The Chief Detective was soon on the track of Halid; but the latter was on the keen lookout.

I will forgive you if it does. Consider that the apparent proof of delusion in my old lady's mind is that she has told things about her childhood which are either bona-fide recollections, or have been derived from the little boy...." "Dave Wardle. So I understood from Widow Thrale. She has told me all the things as they happened. In fact, I have been able to call in every day.

For beyond all doubt I was present at the meeting of a bona-fide salvage company. It was pay-day, and the directors appeared to be taking stock of work done; that was all. Over the door was an old engraving of a two-decker under full sail; pinned on the wall a chart and the plan of a ship. Relics of the wrecked frigate abounded.