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Drew introduced Parmalee to Grimshaw. Then the captain came along, and all four were engaged in an animated conversation when Namco, the Japanese steward, announced: "Lady say I make honorable report: Bleakfast!" "And high time for it!" cried the captain. "I'm as hungry as a hawk and I guess the rest of you are too. We'll go down and see what that slant-eyed Celestial has knocked up for us."

"Oh deah me!" said Ching in his most squeaky tones, "I velly hungly. You like nicee bleakfast, Mis' Hellick?" "Don't speak to me as if I were a baby, Ching," I cried angrily. "No; speak like to offlicer, Mr Hellick. You likee bleakfast something good eat?"

"Ching velly much hurt you want to pay," he said, with dignity. "But " I cried. "You ask Ching bleakfast like Chinese genelman another time, make Ching velly glad. Come along, makee haste, see gland show." "But the bill isn't paid," I cried.

I'm hungry again, aren't you?" Smith sighed. "I'm always hungry," he said. "Of course you are. I believe he's hollow all through, Gnat. How do you feel?" "As if I haven't had any breakfast," I said earnestly. Ching smiled. "Velly much nicee bleakfast all along o' Ching."

"You come have bleakfast 'long o' Ching. Ching velly glad to see you; Ching pay." "What? nonsense!" cried Smith, while we others stared. "Yes; Ching plenty money. Captain gave Ching plenty plize-money; make him velly happy to see young offlicer to bleakfast." "Oh, but we can't let him pay for us, Smithy," cried Barkins. "No, of course not," we chorussed.

But Ching woke just then, and, nodding and smiling, he helped me to turn our poor companion back, when we found him flushed and excited, muttering angrily, quite off his head. "Nevy mind; pilate get tired; go to-day," whispered Ching. "Get bettee soon. Now have bleakfast. Waitee bit: Ching makee butiful bleakfast, chicken, toast, egg, nice flesh tea. There. On'y 'nuff blisket for to-day.

"Then lose no time; go." "No; Ching velly tire, velly hot; wantee bleakfast, flesh tea, nicee new blead. Too hot to lun." "But I want you to save yourself," I said excitedly. "Yes; allee save evelybody, alleegether. Ching won't go leave Mr Hellick." "Ching!" I cried. "Hush! No makee low. Lie down likee lit' pigee in sand. Pilate come along."

"Me gettee up fo' clock." "Did you go outside?" "Yes, me go out an' call cowbloy. Tell gettee up, P. D. Q. No gettee up, no bleakfast." "What did you see outside that you don't see every morning?" "Evely moling? No savvy." "Yesterday morning, day before that, day before that, all mornings." "Lesterday moling, evely moling?" "Oh, the deuce! You try him, Stella."

Observing my escort, the Chinaman approached and said: "'Bosse, alle same, catchee match? "My escort gave him the desired article, and the Chinaman made a fire of his pile of twigs. 'Why are you making a fire, John? I asked. "'Bleakfast, he replied laconically. "I asked him where his food might be, and he gave us a quick glance of suspicion as he said briefly, 'No sabbe.

On board the Admiral's yacht, it required a little reflection before the intimation that "bleakfast belong leady top-side" could be translated into the information that breakfast was ready on deck. Why adding "ee" to every word should render it more intelligible to the Celestial understanding, beats me.