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In the space of a moment or two he had straightened in the chair, opened dead eyes, groaned faintly, and then tugged against his bonds. It seemed that that biting of the rope into his arm-muscles cleared his mind. All in an instant he was staring straight into the eyes and into the thoughts of Hervey with full understanding. "I see," said Perris, "it was the chair that turned the trick.

This sculptor, in many respects admirable, has given a very mean expression to his statue of David, who is represented as just going to throw the stone from the sling; and in order to give it the expression of energy he has made him biting his under-lip. This expression is far from being general, and still farther from being dignified.

It conveyed to Lilian, in the biting words which female malice can make so sharp, the tale we had sought sedulously to guard from her ear, her flight, the construction that scandal put upon it. It affected for my blind infatuation a contemptuous pity; it asked her to pause before she brought on the name I offered to her an indelible disgrace.

At his back sat William O'Brien, with his keen thin face, his eyes full of latent fire, his stern, set jaw his glasses suggesting the student and philosopher, who is always the most perilous and fierce of politicians; and to William O'Brien, Tanner made a running and biting commentary on the speeches a commentary, as can easily be guessed, from the extreme National point of view.

Giovanni rose to go, biting his lips to keep down a laugh. "What the devil do you mean by always agreeing with me, you impertinent scapegrace? And you are laughing, too laughing at me, sir, as I live! Upon my word!" Giovanni turned his back and lighted a cigar. Then, without looking round, he walked towards the door. "Giovannino," called the Prince. "Well?" "I feel better now.

As the largest flathead invariably dart upon the bait, and then make a bolt with it, this plan is a good one to follow, unless, of course, they are biting freely; in that case the smaller lines for bream and whiting, &c., are hauled in, for there is more real sport in landing an 8-lb. flathead than there is in catching smaller fish, for he is very game, and fights fiercely for his life.

Poor John smoked, biting hard on his pipe-stem. Ignorance, and the helplessness of a limited man who is more a good animal than a discerning soul; time, the slow transmission of news, his fixed state as a voyageur all these things were against him. He could not adjust himself to any facts, and his feelings sometimes approached the melting state.

Some persons who have kept tigers in cages have adopted the same means of supply for their royal captives, putting the poor pariah through an aperture made for the purpose in the cage; and they justify themselves by asserting that they thus get rid of a troublesome breed of curs, most of which are unappropriated, and which being numerous are very troublesome to passengers, often wantonly biting them, and raising a yelling noise at night, that sets all attempts to rest at defiance.

Two minutes and a half, or three- quarters at the outside. An egg should never rashly verge upon hardness- -never. Three minutes is the excess of temerity." "If Richard had told me! If I had only known!" the lovely little hostess interjected ruefully, biting her lip. "We mustn't expect him to pay attention to such matters," said Adrian, trying to smile.

There are some unhappy men constitutionally prone to the darker passions, men all whose blood is gall, and to whom bitter words and harsh actions are as natural as snarling and biting to a ferocious dog. To come into the world with this wretched mental disease is a greater calamity than to be born blind or deaf.