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"Here's auld Belzebub at last!'gaein to an' fro i' the earth, an' walkin' up an' doon intil 't!" she said to herself. "Noo's for me to priv the trowth 'o Scriptur! Whether he'll flee or no, we'll see: I s' resist him. It's no me 'at'll rin, ony gait!" His lordship had been standing by his lodge on the outlook, and when he saw Grizzie approaching, had started to encounter her.

Before I tell the Effect I'le shew the Cause, Which are my sins, the breach of sacred Laws, Idolatry, supplanter of a nation, With foolish Superstitious Adoration, Are liked and countenanced by men of might The gospel trodden down and hath no right; Church offices were sold and bought for gain, That Pope had hoped to find Rome here again; For Oaths and Blasphemies did ever Ear From Belzebub himself such language hear?

And again, when the privateer hauls his wind suddenly to let the Torch shoot past him, and thereby gain the weather gage, when old Splinter should sing out, as it was written but, confound the fist once more "Give her the stem" that is, run her down and sink her, the stem being the strongest part, as the stern is the weakest, he, Belzebub, judging, I presume, of the respective strength of the two ends from his own comparative anatomy, makes him say, "Give her the stern," as if he were going to let drive at her with that end.

A savin and exceptin that the blessin and glory and power and praise of the saints, and the martyrs, and the profits, and the cherubims and serafims, and the amen allelujahs, might a be summut to a dyin soul; when a has had, god be mercifool unto us, time for repentance, and the washin away of the sins of this wickedness world, by good deeds, and charity, and mercy, and lovin kindness unto all men; when the poor miserable sinner, with groans, and tears, and eternal terrifyins of the flamin prince Lucifer Belzebub of darkness everlastin is at last obliged to take leave of the soul from the body.

I hae made a fire 'at's baith big an' bricht, an' fit to ro'st Belzebub an' I beg your pardon, laird but it's some days I micht say ooks sin' there was a fire intil 't, an' the place needs time to tak the heat intil its auld neuks." She might have said years not a few, instead of some weeks, but her truthfulness did not drive her so far.

Then there is the thump, thump of the tam-tam, the whistling of fifes, and the screeching of a horrible instrument resembling a fiddle, which can only be compared with the Belzebub music of Hawai. If, amongst these discordant sounds, you throw in a cloud of mosquitoes and a hurricane of dust, you will have a tolerable idea of an Indian street."

"All ready there, behind, boys? Then go ahead, as if ditter Belzebub kicked ye an end!"

"'Never mind, sir, they replied, among a jingle of glasses, which almost prevented me from being heard, 'never mind, Mr. Evil, we don't care a curse what your name is, provided you're a good Protestant. Your name may be Belzebub, instead of Evil, or Devil, for that matter all we want to know is, whether you're staunch and of the right metal.

They might belong to Belzebub himself. I must have a look at this." And without asking permission, or thinking it necessary to use much ceremony with a poor devil of a painter who could not pay his rent, the agent of the law lifted the portrait from the nails on which it hung, to carry it to the window, and examine it at his leisure.

In the meanwhile, look at that dog there look Belzebub in the face, and tell me if you ever saw a sweeter beast never flew but at head in his life."