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Jimmie a beautiful woman in a gown unmistakably from Paris, who looked so familiar that we could scarcely keep from staring her out of countenance. Finally Bee leaned across and whispered: "Don't look, but isn't that Madame Carreño?" Without heeding Bee's polite warning, I turned and pounced upon my idol. "Madame Carreño!" "My dear child!" "What in the world are you doing here?" "Why I live here!

Now whose ring is that at the bell? Oh, it's Bee, of course; come back at last, my girl has. Well, Jessie Morris, I wish you good-night." "Stay a minute, neighbor that isn't Bee's voice." The door was opened, and Miss Peters came in. "How are you, Mrs. Meadowsweet," she said, running up to the good lady and giving her a kiss, which resembled the peck of an eager bird, on her cheek.

When a pollen-dusted bee alights on one of these maturer flowers the sticky end of the now depending style is gently rubbed by the bee's back and smeared with a few pollen-grains brought by the bee from a distant flower. These rapidly expand into "pollen tubes," or filaments, and, penetrating the long style, reach the egg-germs below.

It told about a bear climbing a bee-tree " "What's a bee-tree?" interrupted Bunny. "It's a hollow tree where a bee makes its nest and lays honey eggs," explained Sue, in a very funny way, you see. "And the bear climbed that tree and got the bee's honey." "Wouldn't the bee sting him?" asked Bunny. "I was stung by a bee once, on Grandpa's farm, and I wasn't climbing the bee-tree either."

"Creeping gently through his slender hand, as though it loved the cold caress of death, was a wild vine whose tiny blossoms would have shrunk at the touch of a wild bee's foot." By the side of his face was the worn cap that had fallen from his head as he fell. Fearfully, timidly, with an air of dread, Colonel Marshall approached the silent figure and bent over the recumbent form.

Then the Prince twisted off the bee's legs, and lo! the Jinn became legless also; and when the bee's head was torn off, the Jinn's life went out entirely. So Prince Lionheart returned in triumph to the Princess, who was overjoyed to hear of her tyrant's death.

Bee's tone was so flattering that Jimmie forgot clothes and said: "Well, you know at the Binda you can get corn on the cob and American griddle cakes " "Oh, but the rooms are so small and dark, and we could go there for luncheon to get those things," said his wife. "Do let's go to the Hotel Vouillemont," I begged.

When I got my sight back, I looked apprehensively at Bee, to see if I had gone beyond the limit which her own perfectly ladylike manner always sets for me; but to my surprise her foot was tapping the floor, and there was a gleam in her eyes which told the mischievous Jimmie that the music was getting into Bee's blood.

But all were jewelled and handsome, and the women who used them were all elderly. Two women smoked strong black cigars, but as the smokers were very smart and went in court society, Bee's eyes only grew round and big, and she ventured no word of criticism.

"Wherever a creeping vine opens its fragrant cluster, or wherever a flower blooms, may these little things be seen," writes Edwards, in his usual graphic way; "in the garden, or in the woods, over the water, everywhere, they are darting about, of all sizes, from one that might easily be mistaken for a different variety of bird, to the tiny hermit T. Rufigaster, whose body is not half the size of the bee's buzzing about.