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Updated: August 15, 2024

She wanted me to come day before yesterday, but I couldn't get away 'til to-day." "Where is Miss Panney?" asked La Fleur, quickly. "She's gone to the seashore, where the Bannisters an' Miss Miriam is. She said she'd come here herself if it hadn't been for goin' thar." "To look after Mike?" asked the other. "Not 'zactly," said Phoebe, with a grin.

Before the old lady reached the Bannisters' gate, she saw Mr. Haverley, in his gig, drive away. This brightened her up a little. "He comes here, anyway," she thought; "what a pity Dora is not in." Nevertheless, she went on to the Bannister house; and when she found Dora was in, she began to scold her. "This will never do, will never do," she said.

"I forbade him strictly to attempt to drive without someone of experience beside him." "Oh!" A sharp note of misgiving sounded in Chris's voice. "You said that to me too!" she said. He looked at her very gravely. "I did." "Then then" she stretched a hand to the bannisters "you are angry with me too?" "No, I am not angry with you," he said, and she was conscious of a subtle softening in his tone.

She had the right to know. She hurried on down Sloane Street till she came to Bosinney's number. Passing the swing-door at the bottom, she ran up the stairs, her heart thumping painfully. At the top of the third flight she paused for breath, and holding on to the bannisters, stood listening. No sound came from above. With a very white face she mounted the last flight.

Victoire was sitting huddled together on a chair; Sonia stood beside her, talking to her in a low voice; and, keeping guard on Victoire, stood a brown-faced, active, nervous policeman, all alertness, briskness, keenness. "Hi! officer! come up here! Be smart," cried Lupin over the bannisters, in the husky, gentle voice of Chief-Inspector Guerchard.

She walked up and down the beach until she assured herself that the Bannisters and Miriam were not among those who had come as lookers-on, or merely to breathe the salt air and enjoy the ocean view.

So there I sat twiddling my thumbs for more than an hour, and Agnès did make such a noise, opening and shutting drawers, but at last I remembered a box of caramels in my dressing-bag, and it was better after that. Agnès had put out my white cashmere for tea, and at five I started to find my way to the blue drawing-room. The bannisters are so broad and slippery the very things for sliding on.

I was standing in a novel place upon the bannisters looking over the fields to see if he was coming and, not seeing him, made some impatient exclamation, when lo! he appeared before me, having only been concealed by the wood-pile, and O my prophetic soul! Captain Morrison was by his side! There was quite a cavalcade of us: Mr. Carter and his wife, Mrs. Badger and Mrs.

He had diverted himself with running up and downstairs, whipping the bannisters with it, as he thought he could convert it to no better use; and, with his usual carelessness, he at last left it hanging just where he happened to throw it when the dinner bell rang.

Outside, nature had done her work, but inside the ugly wall-paper and turned bannisters of a modern villa had not been much beautified by dust and neglect. Still, there is something in the atmosphere of a long neglect that to the mind, if not to the eye, has softening effect. Alec listened a moment, as it were, to the silence and loneliness of the house, and went into the first dark room.

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