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Now, however, it had become but a pathway to the Dawn, and, as we clutched the bannisters, we imagined ourselves three pilgrims fearfully climbing toward light and beauty. Angel stood first at the top. Gently he tried two doors in succession, which were locked. The third gave, harshly it seemed to me, grudgingly.

The stone bannisters, on each side, were one mass of air-tight lanterns, of every colour, made of crystal or glass, which threw out a light like the lustre of silver or the brightness of snow.

"Hush," Becky waved a warning hand. "There is," said the Judge, in a declamatory manner, "everything in a name. The Bannisters of Huntersfield, the Paines of King's Crest, the Randolphs of Cloverdale, do you think these things don't count, Truxton?" "I think there's a lot of rot in it," said young Beaufort, "when we were fighting for democracy over there " The shot told.

The wall, by the touch, was of fine hewn stone; the steps too, though somewhat steep and narrow, were of polished masonwork, and regular and solid underfoot. Minding my uncle's word about the bannisters, I kept close to the tower side, and felt my way in the pitch darkness with a beating heart. The house of Shaws stood some five full storeys high, not counting lofts.

Sweet Bannisters! to me for ever a refuge of consolation and sympathy in seasons of trial and sorrow, of unfailing kindly welcome and devoted constant affection; haven of pleasant rest and calm repose whenever I resorted to it!

She left a note on the hall table, which the infuriated Chester Hunt was to find after a morning spent in frantic pushing of the bell in his bedroom and vain bellowings over the bannisters for Josie Larson. It was only after supreme effort that he could get out of bed, but once he got on his feet it was not so difficult to walk. "Josie! Josie!" he yelled. "Where are you?

I had such hopes for him, Becky. He could have married anybody." Becky knew the kind of woman that Aunt Claudia had wanted Truxton to marry one whose ancestors were like those whose portraits hung in the hall at Huntersfield a woman with a high-held head a woman whose family traditions paralleled those of the Bannisters and Beauforts. "Then Fiddle is Truxton's child."

The latest of the guests, returning from the reading room, had said good-night to each other in the hall. Angeline had been dismissed. Her giggles floated away into silence along the bannisters and the last of her adorers tiptoed by to turn out the lights. From the next room there came no sound. She was surely asleep, although her breathing was inaudible. Mary sat at the table.

Drane and Cicely were not very much interested in the Bannisters, and received this news tranquilly, but Miriam felt a little touch of remorse, and wished she had asked Dora to come out some afternoon and bring her dog, which poor Ralph seemed so anxious to have. She asked the doctor how long he thought the Bannisters would stay away.

And what was any family tree worth if it was not rooted in Virginia soil? "Effen the Jedge was a king and wo' a crown," said Mandy's John to Daisy, "he couldn't look mo' bawn to a th'one." Daisy nodded. "Settin' at the head o' that table minds me o' whut my old Mammy used to say, 'han'some is as han'some does. The Bannisters done han'some and they is han'some."