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Updated: August 9, 2024

"What was the salvation of the people of Babbiano," he murmured, "was also your Excellency's, since did you adopt the course I urge there would be no need to go in banishment." "Why, this exile suits me excellently well," returned Francesco. "Idle have I been over-long, and the wish to roam is in my veins again.

But even should he capture it, do you think he would be allowed to carry out so inhuman a threat? You are mercenaries, after all, in the pay of Monna Valentina, on whom and her captains the blame must fall. This is Urbino, not Babbiano, and Gian Maria is not master here. Do you think the noble and magnanimous Guidobaldo would let you hang? Have you so poor an opinion of your Duke? Fools!

Do you think me sad, cast down, at the prospect of this banishment? Why, boy, the blood runs swifter through my veins since I heard the sentence. It frees me from Babbiano in an hour when perhaps my duty the reciprocation of the people's love might otherwise have held me here, and it gives me liberty to go forth, my good Fanfulla, in quest of such adventure as I choose to follow."

His subjects of Babbiano were in a condition approaching open rebellion, resulting from the disquieting rumours that Caesar Borgia was arming at Rome for a decent upon the Duchy, and the continued absence of Gian Maria in such a season, upon a wooing that they deemed ill-timed.

"It would seem, sirs, that I was right," said he, with a touch of sternness, "and that treason is indeed your business." "My Lord of Aquila," Fabrizio answered him, "we are traitors to a man that we may remain faithful and loyal to a State." "What State?" barked the Lord of Aquila contemptuously. "The Duchy of Babbiano," came the answer.

"Now, Highness," said Francesco, as soon as the men were gone, "before I refute the charge you make, let me clearly understand it. From the expressions you have used I gather it to be this: A conspiracy was laid a little time ago at Sant' Angelo which had for object to supplant you on the throne of Babbiano and set me in your place.

"News has reached us that Caesar Borgia is arming, at Rome, a condotta to invade Babbiano, and the people are exasperated at Gian Maria's continued absence in such a season. They are short-sighted in this, for they overlook the results that must attend the alliance with Urbino. May God protect and prosper your Excellency, whose most devoted servant is

"Lady," he said, when they were at last alone, "I have news from Babbiano that demands my instant return." And he approached her by another step. In truth he was a dull-witted fellow or else too blinded by fatuity to see and interpret aright the sudden sparkle in her eye, the sudden, unmistakable expression of relief that spread itself upon her face.

But who would dare ride them at night adown this precipice?" "I dare for one," answered the young man steadily, "and so shall you all dare. A broken neck is the worst that can befall us, and I would as lief break mine on the rocks of Sant' Angelo as have it broken by the executioner of Babbiano." "Bravely said, by the Virgin!" roared Ferrabraccio. "To horse, sirs!"

But you might serve me better by returning to Babbiano and watching the events there, sending me word of what befalls for great things will befall soon if my cousin returns not and the Borgia advances. It is upon this that I am founding such hopes as I have." "But whither shall I send you word? To Roccaleone?" Francesco reflected a moment.

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