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"Did Pharaoh make horse-shoes?" "The first who ever did, brother." "Pharaoh lived in Egypt." "So did we once, brother." "And you left it?" "My fathers did, brother." "And why did they come here?" "They had their reasons, brother." "And you are not English?" "We are not Gorgios." "And you have a language of your own?" "Avali." "This is wonderful."

But I'm a true-bred Romany a Stanley of Devonshire. Gentilla is my name and the tent my home, and I can tell fortunes as no one else on the road can." "Avali, and that is true," put in Chaldea eagerly. "Gentilla's a bori chovihani." "The child means that I am a great witch, my lady," said the old dame with another curtsey. "In what part of the Bible do you find that?" asked Lambert laughing.

So the master went far about the country, and found the Gipsies, and sent them to prison. Now this was in the old time when they used to hang people for any little thing. And all the bags, and kettles, and things of the Gipsies were thrown and piled together behind the hedge in the churchyard, and no man touched them. Did mandy ever jal to kangry? Avali, dui koppas, and beshed a lay odoi.

Wishing to have the exact words and views of a real Rommany on this subject, I made inquiry, and noted down his reply, which was literally as follows: "Avali; when Rommany chals or juvos are mullos, their pals don't kaum to shoon their navs pauli it kairs 'em too bongo so they're purabend to waver navs. Saw don't kair it kek but posh do, kenna.

Agnes turned to Chaldea and reverted to English. "Girl, you are playing a dangerous game. I wrote no letter to the man you call Hearne, and who was my husband Sir Hubert Pine." Chaldea laughed contemptuously. "Avali, that is true. The letter was written by you to my precious rye here, and Hearne's dukkerin brought it his way." "How did he get it?"

With his hands in his pockets and a cigar between his lips he strolled over to the girl, where she swayed and swung in the fairy light. "Hullo, Chaldea," he said leisurely, and leaning against one of the moss-grown monoliths, "what are you doing here?" "The rye," exclaimed Chaldea, with a well-feigned start of surprise. "Avali the rye. Sarishan, my Gorgious gentleman, you, too, are a nightbird.

I would have died in the hard winter if she hadn't fed me and nursed me, so to speak. I shall love to see her again. To dick a puro pal is as commoben as a aushti habben, the which, my precious angel, is true Romany for the Gentile saying, 'To see an old friend is as good as a fine dinner. Avali! Avali!" she nodded smilingly.

"Avali adusta cheirus I've had to jal dui or trin mees of a Boro Divvus sig' in the sala, to lel ash-wood for the yag. That was when I was a bitti chavo, for my dadas always would keravit. And so we Rommany chals always hatchers an ash yag saw the Boro Divvuses.

Now, to my mind, nothing seems more natural than that, when sitting entire days talking with an old Gipsy, no one rises so frequently from the past before me as Mr P . To him all religion represented a portion of the vast mass of frozen, petrified developments, which simply impede the march of intelligent minds; to my Rommany friend, it is one of the thousand inventions of gorgio life, which, like policemen, are simply obstacles to Gipsies in the search of a living, and could he have grasped the circumstances of the case, he would doubtless have replied "Avali, we Gipsies agree on the whole exactly with Mr P ." Extremes meet.

I thought that this was a singular message to come from a tent at Battersea, and asked my special Gipsy factotum, why God should be called water, or water, God? And he replied in the following words: "Panni is the Boro Duvel, and it is Bishnoo or Vishnoo, because it pells alay from the Boro Duvel. 'Vishnu is the Boro Duvel then? Avali. There can't be no stretch adoi can there, rya?