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"Unfortunately," Andrews continued, "this insurance was only effected about a fortnight before poor Archy's death, and the office refuses payment, although, as I have told you, the lad was attended to the very hour of his death by Dr. Parkinson, a highly-respectable, most unexceptionable gentleman. Very much so indeed." "I quite agree in that," I answered after a while. "Dr.

Thus cheered by the confiding faith of old Andrew and his dauntless courage, the party proceeded onwards over the ice-field, Archy's eyes alone, protected by his mask, escaping the snow-blindness. Every now and then, with anxious voices, one or the other would cry out, "Do you see anything ahead, Archy, any sign of Esquimauxs on the shore, any vessel in the distance?"

"I reckon we're all of us glad it's turned out this way. Glad? 'George! it ain't any name for it. Dontchuknow, Archy could 've learnt something if he'd had the nous to stand by and take notice of how that man works the system. But no; he went poking up into the chaparral and just missed the whole thing." "It's true as gospel; I seen it myself. Well, Archy's young.

"Ever meet Satan, and all spiritual foes in the same way, lad, and they will flee from you," added the old man, putting his hand on Archy's shoulder. On and on they went, often stumbling over inequalities in the ice, which the increased darkness prevented them from perceiving. Still they struggled forward, hope urging them on.

With no particular purpose in his mind, except to avoid the blow of the club, he retreated in the direction which led him away from the point where they had landed. He ran at his utmost speed for a few moments, for the impetuosity of his master had wonderfully increased his fleetness. Master Archy's wind soon gave out, and he was no longer able to continue the chase.

Dandy's arm, which had before been prudentially soft and nerveless, suddenly hardened into solid muscle, and one of his heavy blows came full and square upon the region of Archy's left eye. The young lord of the manor reeled as though a tornado had struck him, and fell heavily upon the ground. The blow was a hard one, and it fired his southern blood still more.

The gimlet exactly fits the hole in the barrel. And now " The Extraordinary Man interrupted him. He said, sarcastically, "We have had a very pretty fairy tale, gentlemen very pretty indeed. Now I would like to ask this young man a question or two." Some of the boys winced, and Ferguson said, "I'm afraid Archy's going to catch it now." The others lost their smiles and sobered down. Mr. Holmes said,

"What for, you young villain? How dare you ask such a question?" replied Colonel Raybone, angrily. "You know what you are to be whipped for. Look in Archy's face!" He did look; it was, undoubtedly, a black eye which he had inflicted upon his young master.

Now the advent of these outlandish strangers at such a critical instant as the lowering of the boats from the deck, this had not unreasonably awakened a sort of superstitious amazement in some of the ship's company; but Archy's fancied discovery having some time previous got abroad among them, though indeed not credited then, this had in some small measure prepared them for the event.

There was silence again during several moments; then the guest answered, in a low voice, "I refuse to be searched." There was no noisy demonstration, but all about the house one voice after another muttered, "That settles it! He's Archy's meat." What to do now? Nobody seemed to know.