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Leonti looked now at the books, now at Raisky, then made a gesture of refusal, and sighed. "Do not laugh at me, Boris! Don't tempt me." "I am not joking." Here Juliana Andreevna, who had heard the last words, chimed in with, "Take what is given you." "She is always like that," sighed Leonti. "On feast days the tradesmen come with presents, and on the eve of the examinations the parents.

Satisfied, the general put on his overcoat and went out to take his place in the ration queue. Lina ran to her husband; he went to get an explanation of the scene, but Lvovich was not to be found, however; he remonstrated with his sister, Anna Andreevna. "This spying is impossible, it must stop," he insisted.

She was an educated girl, clever and well- read, and I had even forgotten my Latin, one may say, completely. But God Almighty did not make me a fool; I don't take black for white; I know a thing or two; I could see very clearly, for instance, that Alexandra Andreevna that was her name did not feel love for me, but had a friendly, so to say, inclination a respect or something for me.

I sat there, you know, with my head bent; I even dozed a little. Suddenly it seemed as though someone touched me in the side; I turned round.... Good God! Alexandra Andreevna was gazing with intent eyes at me ... her lips parted, her cheeks seemed burning. "What is it?" "Doctor, shall I die?" "Merciful Heavens!"

"Alexandra Andreevna, how have I deserved " "No, no, you don't you don't understand me." ... And suddenly she stretched out her arms, and taking my head in her hands, she kissed it.... Believe me, I almost screamed aloud.... I threw myself on my knees, and buried my head in the pillow. She did not speak; her fingers trembled in my hair; I listen; she is weeping.

When he entered the corridor he heard the strains of a waltz and, he thought, the voice of Koslov's wife. He sent in his name and with it Leonti's letter. After a time the servant, with an air of embarrassment, came to tell him that Juliana Andreevna had gone with a party of friends to Zarskoe-Selo, and would travel direct from there to Moscow.

On a sudden, Olya arrived, her figure darkly silhouetted an instant a tiny insignificant atom against the vastness of the hill and sky as she stood poised on the brink of the ravine; then she clambered down its precipitous side to Agrenev. Alexander Alexandrovitch Agrenev, mining engineer and married man, and Olya Andreevna Golovkina!

"I think so; it could hardly be otherwise. Promise to let me know wherever I am, because I wish to hold the marriage crown over Vera's head at the ceremony." "I promise." "And I promise to come." Leonti took Raisky on one side, gave him a letter for Juliana Andreevna, and begged him to seek her out. "Speak to her conscience," he said.

"No, doctor, no; please don't tell me I shall live ... don't say so.... If you knew.... Listen! for God's sake don't conceal my real position," and her breath came so fast. "If I can know for certain that I must die ... then I will tell you all all!" "Alexandra Andreevna, I beg!"

I send them away, but my wife receives them at the side door. She looks like Lucretia, but she has a sweet tooth, a dainty one." Raisky laughed, but Juliana Andreevna was annoyed. "Go to your Lucretia," she said indifferently. "He compares me with everybody. One day I am Cleopatra, then Lavinia, then Cornelia. Better take the books when they are offered you. Boris Pavlovich will give them to me."