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Amanguchi is the capital of the kingdom of Naugato, and one of the richest towns of all Japan, not only by the traffic of strangers, who come thither from all parts, but also by reason of silver mines, which are there in great abundance, and by the fertility of the soil; but as vices are the inseparable companions of wealth, it was a place totally corrupted, and full of the most monstrous debaucheries.

There were seven or eight religions in Amanguchi quite opposite to each other, and every one of them had many proselytes, who defended their own as best; insomuch, that these Bonzas, who were heads of parties, had many disputes amongst themselves: But when once the saint began to publish the Christian law, all the sects united against their common enemy; which, notwithstanding, they durst not openly declare, against a man who was favoured by the court, and who seemed, even to themselves, to have somewhat in him that was more than human.

After this, two of them separating from the company, to testify their general joy at the sight of him, one of them spoke in this manner: "May your arrival, holy Father Bonza, be as pleasing to our king as the smiles of a babe are to his mother, who holds him in her arms; which certainly will be, for we swear to you by the hairs of our heads, that every thing, even to the very walls, which seem to dance for joy at your desired presence, conspires to your good reception, and excites us to rejoice at your arrival; we doubt not but it will turn to the glory of that God. of whom you have spoken so greatly at Amanguchi."

The Father told his friend what progress the faith had made in little time in the kingdoms of Saxuma, of Amanguchi, and of Bungo; and what hopes he had conceived, to convert all those islands with great ease, when once the Chinese should be brought to acknowledge Jesus Christ.

Quansyonofama, my domestic servant, whom I sent to the port of Figen, tells me, that you are arrived from Amanguchi; and all my court will bear me witness, with what pleasure I received the news. As God has not made me worthy to command you, I earnestly request you to come before the rising of the sun to-morrow, and to knock at my palace gate, where I shall impatiently attend you.

But the Bonza still flying out into passion, and continuing to rail and bawl aloud, as if he were rather in a bear-garden than at a solemn disputation, one of the lords there present said, smiling, to him, "If your business be fighting, why did not you go to the kingdom of Amanguchi, when they were in civil wars? there you might have found some one or other with whom you might have gone to hard-heads.

Neither was his memory less honoured in Japan than in the Indies. The Christians of the kingdom of Saxuma kept religiously a stone, on which he had often preached, and shewed it as a precious rarity. The house wherein he had lodged at Amanguchi, was respected as a sacred place; and was always preserved from ruin, amidst those bloody wars, which more than once had destroyed the town.

He was not deceived in his conjectures; and, from the beginning, had a kind of assurance, that this turn of state would conduce to the advantage of the faith: for having desired the king of Bungo, that he would recommend to the prince his brother the estate of Christianity in Amanguchi, the king performed so fully that request, that the new monarch promised, on his royal word, to be altogether as favourable to the Christians as the king his brother.

Xavier then having made above a month's abode in Amanguchi, and gathered but small fruit of all his labours, besides affronts, continued his voyage towards Meaco with his three companions, Fernandez, Matthew, and Bernard.

Oxindono, the king of Amanguchi, hearing what had passed, was willing to be judge himself of the Christians' new doctrine. He sent for them before him, and asked them, in the face of all his nobles, of what country they were, and what business brought them to Japan? Xavier answered briefly, "That they were Europeans, and that they came to publish the divine law.