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This nobleman, provoked with the sense of his ill usage at court, and farther heightened by motives of religion and interest, raised an army in less than three weeks time, by the assistance of the Bonzas, and came pouring down like a deluge upon Amanguchi.

This was the present face of things when Xavier returned from Japan; and it was partly upon this occasion that the letters which he received at Amanguchi so earnestly pressed his coming back.

They ascribed it to I know not what secret kind of science, which they imagined him only to possess. For which reason, Father Cozmo de Torrez, being returned from Firando to Amanguchi, the Bonzas said, "This man is not endued with the great knowledge of Father Francis, nor has the art of resolving many doubts with one only answer."

Being come to Amanguchi, his presents made his way for an audience from the king, and procured him a favourable reception.

While Xavier had this success at the court of Bungo, Cosmo de Torrez, and John Fernandez, suffered for the faith at Amanguchi.

Landing at Amanguchi, he presented himself before the people barefooted and meanly dressed, the result of his confessed poverty being that, instead of listening to his words, the populace hooted and stoned him and his followers. At Kioto he was little better received.

Let him carry his gospel to that flourishing and vast empire; and when he had subdued it to Jesus Christ, then they would also think of turning Christians." In the meantime, a Portuguese vessel, commanded by Edward de Gama, arrived at the kingdom of Bungo, and news came to Amanguchi, that this ship, which was sailed thither from the Indies, would be on its way back again in a month or two.

But the Bonzas got not off so cheap, as only to be made the derision of the people; together with their credit and their reputation they lost the comfortable alms, which was their whole subsistence: So that the greater part of them, without finding in themselves the least inclinations to Christianity, bolted out of their convents, that they might not die of hunger in them; and changed their profession of Bonzas, to become either soldiers or tradesmen; which gave the Christians occasion to say, with joy unspeakable, "That, in a little time, there would remain no more idolaters in Amanguchi, of those religious cheats, than were barely sufficient to keep possession of their monasteries."

He departs from Meaco to return to Amanguchi. Being returned to Amanguchi, he gains an audience of the king. He obtains permission to preach. He is visited by great multitudes. The qualities which he thinks requisite in a missioner to Japan. He answers many men with one only word. He preaches in Amanguchi. He speaks the Chinese language without learning it. The fruit of his preaching.

At this time God restored to Father Xavier the gift of tongues, which had been given him in the Indies on divers occasions; for, without having ever learned the Chinese language, he preached every day to the Chinese merchants, who traded at Amanguchi, in their mother-tongue, there being great numbers of them.