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He meant, when he was to be transformed into one of their deities, and that God and he should be mixed into one divinity, which is the reward of a Bonza after death.

The conference Avas made in a principal place of the town, in presence of a great multitude. Scarcely had Xavier made an end of explaining the Christian doctrine, when the Bonza grew sensible of his errors.

"That if he would give himself the trouble of this little journey, to revenge the injury they had received, they would carry him back in triumph, on their shoulders, to his monastery." The Bonza, who was full as vain as he was learned, came speedily, attended by six Bonzas, all men of science, but his inferiors and scholars.

Neither all the Bonzas of Japan, nor yet all the scholars extant in the world, can prevail against it, any more than the shadows of the night against the beams of the rising sun." The king, at the request of Xavier, gave entrance to the Bonza.

Thus the Bonza passed on to another question in his own despite; and asked Father Xavier, "Why he allowed not of those bills of exchange which they gave in favour of the dead, since the rich found their account in them, and that they had their return of their money, with usury, in heaven?"

When judgment was passed that those questions were fully decided, one of the Bonzas, whose heart was wholly set on riches, and who believed that there was nothing more charming in the world than gold and silver, undertook to prove, that God was an enemy to the poor: "For," said the Bonza, "since he denies them those blessings which he bountifully gives the rich, and, in causing them to be born in a mean condition, exposes them to all the miseries and ignominy of life, is it not a sign, that he has neither kindness nor value for them?"

Faxiondono growing more arrogant by this moderation of his prince, began raising his note by extolling the profession of a Bonza: "That nothing was more certain than that the Bonzas were the favourites of heaven, both observing the law themselves, and causing it to be observed by others; that they passed the longest nights, and the severest colds, in praying for their benefactors; that they abstained from all sensual pleasures; that fresh fish never came upon their tables; that they administered to the sick, instructed the children, comforted the distressed, reconciled enemies, appeased seditions, and pacified kingdoms; that, which was first and chiefest, they gave letters of exchange for another life, by which the dead became rich in heaven; that, in fine, the Bonzas were the familiar friends of the stars, and the confidents of the saints; that they were privileged to converse with them by night, to cause them to descend from heaven, to embrace them in their arms, and enjoy them as long as they desired."

Your God being, as you say, the fountain of all goodness, must now be acknowledged by you for the original cause of so much evil. Thus you are forced," said the Bonza, "to confess, either ignorance or malice in your God."

Even so far they proceeded, that one day as he was preaching, in one of the public places of the city, a Bonza interrupted him in the midst of his discourse, and warned the people not to trust him; saying, "That it was a devil, who spoke to them in the likeness of a man."

"That shall be done," rejoined the Bonza, proud of the commendations which the saint had given him; "it is now just fifteen hundred years since thou and I, who were then merchants, traded at Frenajoma, and where I bought of thee a hundred bales of silk, at an easy pennyworth: dost thou yet remember it?"