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Often in the course of the morning, too, did Mr Linacre look out of the mill-window, or nod to them from the top of the steps, that they might see that he did not forget them. Meantime, the white smoke curled up from the kitchen chimney, as Ailwin cooked the dinner; and little George's voice and hers were often heard from within, as if they were having some fun together.

It is hardly likely that the lightning should strike that particular tree, just while you are under it." "But if you should chance to find me a cinder, when you thought it time for me to be waking, Ailwin would not that be as bad as my having the fever?" "Oliver! How can you talk so? How dare you think of such a shocking thing?" "You put it into my head, Ailwin.

"I am sure it does him a great deal of good," exclaimed Mildred. "I will filter quantities of water; and he shall have a bath as often as ever it is good for him. Suppose it should make him well!" Ailwin shook her head.

Now that word of common sense was the best that he could have spoken, for I was waxing angry at being thus played with, as I thought. But at that moment Olaf and Ottar came in with clang and ring of mail and sword, and so no more was said, and soon Ailwin rose to depart. But I followed him out, and asked him for the last time: "Will you not tell me where Hertha bides?" "No, my son not yet.

"But Roger is gone; and I don't like to be where he is, he is such a rude boy! How he snatched your ribbon, and pulled you about! And he calls you `lad, when he might just as well say `Oliver." "We must not mind such things now, dear. And we must get home, if he can show us how. Think how glad Ailwin and George will be: and I am sure father would wish it, and mother too.

She need not have feared that Oliver would neglect her feelings. Just before he put off with Ailwin and her milk-pail, he said to his sister "I shall try to set Roger down somewhere, so that he cannot plague you and George; but you had better bolt yourself into the room up-stairs when you see us coming; and on no account open the door again till I bid you."

There was no answer; and Ailwin did not wonder, as she said to herself, that it was too great a trouble for one so poorly to be answering questions: so Ailwin went on slicing her vegetables and singing. "Do you think a drop of cherry-brandy would warm you, neighbour?" she asked, after a while.

Now her saying was that I had no need to pay any more heed to this betrothal after what I had said to Ailwin, and that he himself would seem to try to break it by thus taking Hertha out of my ken. And we talked freely of the matter, and the last thing that I said was this, coming round to what I had made up my better mind for: "It is not much matter either way.

"They had the planks ready to their hands," said Mildred, trembling; "and leather harness and ropes to tie it with. I think they might to do it as they said. What harm do you suppose will happen, Ailwin? I am sure Oliver would do nothing wrong, about making the raft, or anything else. O dear! I wish George would not cry so!"

Ailwin was quite ready to bestir herself; but she had no idea beyond mounting on chests, chairs, and drawers; unless, indeed, she thought of the beam which crossed the ceiling, to which she was seen to cast her eyes, as if envying the chicks which hung there, or the hen which still slept, with her head beneath her wing, out of present reach of the flood.