United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Tom, however, had decided upon a plan of action. He steered his machine in toward the curb, ran up the steel wind-shield, and called: "Mr. Berg!" "Eh? What's that?" asked the agent, in some surprise. Then, as he caught sight of Tom, and recognized him, he added: "I'm very busy now, my young friend. You'll have to excuse me." "I won't detain you a moment," went on Tom, casually.

The ticket agent was also the telegraph operator, and Bessie saw that she was writing something on a yellow telegraph blank. Evidently Jake was sending a message, and Bessie knew that, while he could read a very little, Jake had always been so stupid and so lazy that he had never learned to write properly.

Blood was eager enough to do what he now could to discharge the debt, grieved that the occasion should have arisen, and in such a manner for he knew quite well that the rash young nobleman had been an active agent of the Duke's. "To be sure, I'll come. But first give me leave to get some clothes and other things that I may need." "There's no time to lose." "Be easy now. I'll lose none.

At the close of the war he settled in Montgomery, in the year 1851, or 1852, and was employed by Hampton & Co., owners of a line of stages, to act as their agent.

But she could not shake it off. To her, Mrs. Brace was a figure of sinister power, an agent of ugliness, waiting to do evil waiting for what? By a great effort, she steadied her jangled nerves. Hastings was counting on her. And work even work in the dark was preferable to this idleness, this everlasting summing-up of frightful possibilities without a ray of hope.

He appears to have written before consulting with the Committee, who, on hearing of the actual state of affairs in Spain, became filled with misgiving and anxiety for the safety of their agent, who seemed to be destitute of fear.

It was very easy to see, he observed, that the English counsellors were seeking every means of entering into communication with Spain, and that they were doing so with the participation of the Queen! Such an agent, it had been intimated, would be well received.

"Well," said the captain, "I must admit you seem to know the inner workings of these Government concerns." "I should just think I do," said the agent; "but of course we have to speak with some regard to discretion. I am only giving you a tip or two to keep you right. You will be going off aboard, so I will say 'good-day. Come ashore to-morrow."

Perhaps the most they can do is, to leave him free to develop himself and improve his individual condition. But in all times men have been prone to believe that their happiness and well-being were to be secured by means of institutions rather than by their own conduct. Hence the value of legislation as an agent in human advancement has usually been much over-estimated.

There was nobody in sight but the postmaster with the mail sack, the station agent, and the few citizens who always stood around the station for the thrill of seeing the flier stop to take water. Few, if any, of these recognized Kerr as Lambert hurried him across the platform and into the station, his hands manacled at his back.