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But this twofold object was not to be limited to Italy. He dreamed of transmarine enterprise taking a more solid and more generally useful form than that furnished by the vagrant trader or the local agent of the capitalist.

On our arrival at Hong-Kong, the agent of the owners sent off to see what could be done in the way of recovering the treasure on board there being no less than fifty thousand pounds sterling in gold in her treasure-room, besides valuables belonging to passengers.

As for me, I may not be a real Raincy, for I was born to do something in life, not to idle through it. You won't let me go into the navy, and fight as a man ought. If I go into the army, we shall have mother in a permanent fit. So I must just stop on and lend a hand where I can, till I am old enough to turn out that thief of an estate agent of yours and do something to help you really, I mean!"

"At first, for a short time only, you will be a special agent in the service of the ministry of war. Come, I will take you to the gentleman who will be your chief. He can explain the duties better than I, and then you will be in a position to judge if you wish to accept or no."

He had also conferred with an agent from the Indian Nation, with a view to putting several thousand Indians into the field on the side of the Rebels. General Lyon wanted an "overt act" on the part of the Rebels, before commencing actual hostilities. Price's proclamation was the thing desired. The troops in and around St. Louis were drilled as thoroughly as possible.

'You have returned to America, I see. 'Yes, Mr. Benjamin. Do you mind if I come right down to business? 'Mind? How else could I have built up the United Manufacturing Corporation? Have a cigar? 'No, thanks. Mr. Benjamin, you wrote my agent that you wanted me to lecture on the fallacy of war. 'Sure, said the president. 'May I ask why? Mr.

'You have no idea what a queer sort of existence he lives in that huge place, said Robert with energy. 'He is not unpopular exactly with the poor down here. When they want to belabour anybody they lay on at the agent, Henslowe. On the whole, I have come to the conclusion the poor like a mystery.

The second are acts which are good not only in themselves, as acts, but also in the deliberate intention of the agent who recognizes his actions as being "right." Thus acts may be materially moral or immoral, in a very high degree, without being in the least formally so.

"The Captain of this brig is the agent; he represents the government, and is obliged to find places for the prisoners." "Yes; I know that. We are billed like so much livestock; he must account for every head." "Well, Uncle Roger went to him yesterday, and made a bid for you. Finally they came to terms. That is one reason why you are left alone here on deck tonight.

"And you'd get your shapely boots most shockingly muddy," I thought, as the agent opened one of the front windows and invited us to enter. "French windows, too!" exclaimed Sophronia; "oh Pierre! And see that exquisite old mantel; it looks as if it had been carved from ebony upon the banks of one of the Queen of the Adriatic's noiseless by-ways. And these tiny rooms, how cozy how like fairy land!