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Now at this she gave a little, pitiful, helpless gesture and looked from me to the others, her eyes a-swim with tears. "Alas!" she sobbed. "And is he yet so direly sick?"

Back and back the rear-guard staggered, hewing and smiting; twice Beltane reeled 'neath unseen blows and with eyes a-swim beheld Roger and Ulf, who fought at either stirrup: heard of a sudden shrieks and cries and the thunder of galloping hooves; was aware of the flash of bright armour to his left, rank upon rank, where charged Duke Ivo's van-ward before whose furious onset Sir Benedict's weary pikemen were hurled back their centre swayed, broke, and immediately all was dire uproar and confusion.

Through these fog-wreaths there stands revealed a massive barrier of wooded and rock-ribbed heights, towering aloft and shutting out the eastern sky, all their crests a-swim in floating cloud, all their rugged foothills dotted with the tentage of a sleeping army.

When I reached Dalrymple I learnt that one of Fitzmaurice's teams had been swept over the rocks while crossing the Burdekin River, and that eight of the bullocks were drowned. It appeared that the river, though not a-swim, was running strong at the crossing.

Axe and pike, sword and gisarm hedged him in nearer and nearer, his sword grew suddenly heavy and beyond his strength to wield, but stumbling, slipping, dazed and with eyes a-swim, he raised the great blade aloft, and lifting drooping head, cried aloud the battle-cry of his house high and clear it rang above the din: "Arise! Arise! I will arise!"

In such case, give him the glad word and move on at once. As it chanced, I did not mind his fireworks, for my head was a-swim with the rising fever of erysipelas and I had come dragging my heels many an irk mile down from the mountains to find a doctor. So I merely smiled at the fellow and asked if he was having a good time. He grinned sheepishly and let me pass unharmed.

For, desperately though he fought and struggled, they saw Gefroi's great body was bending slowly backward; his eyes stared up, wild and bloodshot, into the fierce, set face above him; swaying now, he saw the wide ring of faces, the quiver of leaves and the blue beyond, all a-swim through the mist of Beltane's yellow hair, and then, writhing in his anguish, he turned and buried his teeth in Beltane's naked arm, and with a cunning twist, broke from that deadly grip and staggered free.

"You are really getting quite well?" he asked. "Yes, I think so." Then, after a pause and with a glance from the violet eyes, "Are you glad?" "You know I am glad. You know that if you had died, I should have died too." "Nonsense," said the curved lips, but they trembled and the violet eyes were a-swim with tears.

"Why, it's to teach ladies how to behave, and written by " "By a snuffy old rascal in some pothouse, like as not, Diana " Here she turned and hasted away, but I sped after her and seeing the quiver of her lips and her dear eyes a-swim with tears, my own grew moist also. "O Peregrine," sighed she, "I thought the book was foolish too but for your sake to be a lady " "O girl!"