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Updated: August 2, 2024

'Possum, w-we meant to, a-all the t-time." And they tried to get up, but were so scared and weak they couldn't, and all at once Mr. 'Possum gave a great big laugh and threw off his sheet and sat down on a stool, and rocked and laughed, and Mr. 'Coon and Mr. Crow realized then that it was Mr. 'Possum himself, and not just his appearance, as they had thought.

They edged forward to the middle of the road, the Provost in front, to meet Gilmour coming down. "Ye've a heavy burden this morning, John," said the Provost graciously. "No wonder, sir," said Gilmour, with big-eyed solemnity, and set down the chest; "it's no wonder, seeing that I'm carrying my a-all." "Ay, man, John. How's that na?"

While bearing in mind the "departure point," however, I must not forget to mention, too, that immediately after Captain Gillespie had taken our bearings off the Lizard, he sang out to Tim Rooney the boatswain to send the hands aft. "Aye, aye, sorr," responded Tim, at once sounding his shrill whistle and hoarse shout. "A-all ha-ands aft!"

"Hear, hear!" said Gourlay, and the meeting was unkind enough to laugh. "Order, order!" cried Wilson perkily. "As I was saying when I was grossly interrupted," fumed the Provost, "there's no needcessity for me to make a loang speech. I had thoat we were a-all agreed on the desirabeelity of the rileway coming in our direction. I had thoat, after the able I must say the very able speech of Mr.

So the Scarlet Car shot forward with sometimes the second car so far in the rear that they could only faintly distinguish the horn begging them to wait, and again it would follow so close upon their wheels that they heard the five grizzly bears chanting beseechingly Oh, bring this wagon home, John, It will not hold us a-all.

"A-all r-right, General, all right, by Gawd! We we'll do our we-we'll d-d-do do our best, General." The general made a passionate gesture and galloped away. The colonel, perchance to relieve his feelings, began to scold like a wet parrot.

Now, however, all was right; the result had justified our anticipations; we had reached the so longed-for goal; and as I stowed myself snugly away in the hollow of my cot, I could not help heartily congratulating myself that for that night at all events there was no danger of the ship knocking a hole in her bottom against some hummock which the lookout had been too sleepy to observe; and that Wilson could not come in the next morning and announce "ice all round, a-all ro-ound!"

Gourlay, and ye hadna tho muckle land about your place" that should fetch him, thought the Deacon "if it werena for that, Mr. Gourlay, we could easily lead the water round to the other gardenth without interfering with your property. But, ath it ith, we simply can-noat move without ye. The water must come through your garden, if it comes at a-all."

Fearful of imminent tragedy, I climbed quickly, amid the uproar of the dogs, and, knife in hand, had got my feet an the lower branches, when a heavy weight shot by me and fell to the ground. Thank God, not the boy! "Jerry!" I cried again, clambering upward. "A-all r-right, Mr. Canby," I heard. "You're safe, not hurt?" "I'm all right, I think. Just just scratched." By this time I had reached him.

"Oh, I don't ken," said Postie carelessly. "He had creditors a' owre the country. I was ay bringing the big blue envelopes from different airts. Don't mention this, now," he added, his finger up, his eye significant; "it shouldn't be known at a-all." He was unwilling that Toddle should get an unfair start, and spoil his own market for the news. "Nut me!"

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