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"Us may tich of her now, I rackon," said Betty in her most jealous way; "Annie, tak her by the head, and I'll tak her by the toesen. No taime to stand here like girt gawks. Don'ee tak on zo, missus. Ther be vainer vish in the zea Lor, but, her be a booty!"

The very best club, Baron.” “Zey are all noble?” “In many cases the receipts for their escutcheons are still in their pockets.” Though the precise significance of this explanation was not quite clear to the Baron, it sounded eminently satisfactory. “Zo?” he said. “I shall be moch interested to see zem.”

For all that, she presently arrived at the Doctor's house, and at the door-step she was greeted by Mrs. Botz, who appeared with a gay shawl over her head and a letter in her hand. "Zo early yet!" the housekeeper exclaimed. "You yust save me some troubles. Herr Doctor say I am pleased to take you his letter." "He wasn't expecting me, then?" "Ich weiss nicht." "He's waiting, isn't he?

My dear Baron! a formal reception of the guests is entirely foreign to English etiquette.” “Zo? I did not know zat.” The supper-room was crowded, and having secured a table with some difficulty, Mr Bunker entered immediately into conversation with a solitary young gentleman who was consuming a plate of oysters.

"You had better dress before luncheon," she suggested, "or you will keep the carriage waiting." Hearing this, Zo laid down her knife and fork, and looked over her shoulder. "Ask if I may go with you," she said. Carmina made the request. "No," Mrs. Gallilee answered, "the children must walk. My maid will accompany you." Carmina glanced at Miss Minerva on leaving the room.

The thought was more than he could bear: who could be brave in the face of such a blow? The bitter tears ran down his face again. "Here, here, odzookens, lad!" grinned the workman, stolidly, "thou'lt vetch t' river up if weeps zo ha-ard. Ztop un, ztop un; do now." Nick sat staring at the ground. A beetle was trying to crawl over a shaving.

On the previous day she had discovered Carmina and Miss Minerva engaged in a private conference without having been able even to guess what the subject under discussion between them might be. They were again together that morning. Maria and Zo had gone to church with their father; Miss Minerva was kept at home by a headache.

"She would say Doctor Benjulia, your name ought to be Herod." "Who was Herod?" "Herod was a Royal Jew, who killed little girls when they took away his walking-stick. Come here, child. Shall I tickle you?" "I knew you'd say that," Zo answered. When men in general thoroughly enjoy the pleasure of talking nonsense to children, they can no more help smiling than they can help breathing.

The guests were Lord and Lady Northlake; Maria and Zo; Miss Minerva and Mr. Mool. Mr. Gallilee was present as one of the household. While he was in London, he and his children lived under Ovid's roof. When they went to Scotland, Mr. He and Zo drank too much champagne at dinner. The father made a speech; and the daughter sang, "We're gayly yet."

"I'm Benjulia," he said. "Come up!" cried Zo. Benjulia ascended the stairs. "Stop!" shouted the voice from above. Benjulia stopped. "Have you got your big stick?" "Yes." "Bring it up with you." Benjulia retraced his steps into the hall. The page respectfully handed him his stick. Zo became impatient. "Look sharp!" she called out. Benjulia obediently quickened his pace.