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'So do I, replied Jack, adding, 'hate a hanger-on! 'There are the hounds, said his lordship, as they now approached Culverton Dean, and a line of something white was discernible travelling the zig-zagging road on the opposite side. 'Are they, think you? replied Jack, staring through his great spectacles; 'are they, think you? It looks to me more like a flock of sheep.

The trail was a nasty one, zig-zagging down the over-hanging face of the wall. Enoch, to his deep-seated satisfaction, felt no sense of panic, although in common with Mack and Curly, he was apprehensive and at times a little giddy. It required an hour to compass the drop. At the bottom was a tiny spring where men and beasts drank deeply, then started on.

Sail the ship close to the rock and let me jump out on it." So the Doctor brought the ship as close as he could and let down the anchor. Then he and Jip got out of the ship on to the rock. Jip at once put his nose down close to the ground and began to run all over the place. Up and down he went, back and forth zig-zagging, twisting, doubling and turning.

In truth, I must confess our progress was rather a devious one, now zig-zagging from side to side, now getting into a sharp trot, and then suddenly pulling up at a dead stop, or running the machine chuck against a wall, to enable us to stand still and gain breath. "'Which way now? cried he, as we swung round the angle of a street and entered the large market-place; 'I'm getting terribly tired.

Waddington standing up before the long looking-glass in his new pyjamas; Mr. Waddington appearing in the doorway of Fanny's bedroom as Jupiter, with forked lightning zig-zagging out of him into every corner; Mr. Waddington stooping to climb into his bed, a broad back view with lightnings blazing out of it. And it was that moment that Mr.

Franche-Comte is rich in zig-zagging mountain roads of daring construction, and none are more wonderful than this.

"And the words all came to me of themselves in beautiful flowing Latin, just right, as if it was anybody but myself doing it, and they ran off my pen in red and blue and gold, and all sorts of colours; and fine branching zig-zagging stars, like what the book described, only stranger, came dancing and radiating round my pen and the candle.

They came to the open gate of Moscheloo, and began to ascend more slowly the terraced road of the grand entrance. The house stood high; to reach it the avenue made turn after turn, zig-zagging up the hill between and under fine old trees that overshadowed its course. 'Here we are, said Rollo, looking up toward the yet distant house.

In a week he would be shivering in the danger-zone, zig-zagging round the north coast of Ireland. The power of attorney only awaited his signature, the papers were busily announcing his departure, farewell letters and invitations were pouring in upon him. There was so much to discuss that he found his family easy to handle.

Then he stooped to look at a bunch of dirt, and got on the wrong side again. Then I stopped, and then he did, and so we kept zig-zagging down the road. A body would have thought we were drunk, I suppose. Four times that man stopped to pick up some wriggling little animal, and four times he deposited his treasure in one of his various pockets.