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Let me have men about me that are fat; Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights: Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. Shakspere, Julius Cæsar, Act i. See the Life of Sulla, c. 26; and the Life of Lucullus, c. 28. See the Epitome. The word here probably means a pediment.

'A matter of fifteen shillings, then, I suppose? 'Yes no doubt. But yond there's a young man just now starting; he might not take it ill if ye were to ask him for a seat, and go halves in the hire of the trap. Shall I call out? 'Ah, do. The hostler bawled to the stable-boy, who put the question to Christopher.

He hasn't getten th' white choaker on ta morn, another lad would say, and I had to double my fists hard i' th' bottom of my Sunday coat, and say to mysen, 'If 'twere Monday and I warn't a member o' the Primitive Methodists, I'd leather all th' lot of yond'. That was th' hardest of all to know that I could fight and I mustn't fight." Sympathetic grunts from Mulvaney.

The labourer pointed out the direction, and added, "Do you see that furze-cutter, ma'am, going up that footpath yond?" Mrs. Yeobright strained her eyes, and at last said that she did perceive him. "Well, if you follow him you can make no mistake. He's going to the same place, ma'am." She followed the figure indicated.

The crows and choughs that wing the midway air Show scarce so gross as beetles; half-way down Hangs one that gathers samphire, dreadful trade! Methinks he seems no bigger than his head: The fishermen that walk upon the beach Appear like mice; and yond tall anchoring bark, Diminish'd to her cock; her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight."

As I considered this local habitation of an "airy nothing," I called to mind the fine description of an echo in Webster's Duchess of Malfy: "'Yond side o' th' river lies a wall, Piece of a cloister, which in my opinion Gives the best echo that you have ever heard: So plain in the distinction of our words That many have supposed it a spirit That answers."

"Let me," says Caesar, "have men about me that are fat": Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights; Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much such men are dangerous. Fear, trouble, distress of conscience, despair, are little less powerful in their effects than the most violent fevers.

An' he got bruddeh name' 'Mian Roussel. But dat not de ole, ole 'Mian like dey say de ole he one. 'Caze, you know, he done peg out. Oh, yes, he peg out in de du'in' o' de waugh. But he lef' heap-sight chillen; you know, he got a year' staht o' all de res', you know. Yes, seh. Dey got 'bout hund'ed fifty peop' yond' by Gran' Point', and sim like dey mos' all name Roussel. Sim dat way to me.

"Yes, to feel that way and same time to be ab'e to smile like that!" "Ah? how is that I'm feeling?" "You are filling that all this, and all those jewel' of Anna, and the life of me, and of that boy in yond', you would give them all, juz' to be ab'e to bil-ieve that foolishness of Anna that he's yet al-live, that Kin "

"William, dear, I got fifty-seven pounds sterling, and odd shillings, in a Savings-bank, and that I meant to go to Dahly, and not to yond' dark thing sitting there so sullen, and me in my misery; I'd give it to you now for news of my darlin'. Yes, William; and my poor husband's cottage, in Sussex seventeen pound per annum. That, if you'll be goodness itself, and let me hear a word."