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If we could scheme some way to pull out all those wrinkles I do love a nice, clean, smooth atmosphere where I live. It's so wrinkly " "I'll attend to all that, right away." Miss Hallman decided that she had nothing further to say to Mr. Green. She wheeled her horse rather abruptly and rode off with a curt goodbye.

There is the pipe. And how are you going to get out of the overalls?" "Shan't get into them," said Mrs. Bellmore, with a prettily suppressed yawn; "too stiff and wrinkly. Is that you, Felice? Prepare my bath, please. Do you dine at seven at Clifftop, Mrs. Kinsolving? So kind of you to run in for a chat before dinner! I love those little touches of informality with a guest.

He dried his eyes and left off for a time, but as often as he repeated to himself his sad little history how his mother had taken his sou from him he was seized with another and a bitterer fit of weeping. He stooped and buried his face in the curtain. The stiff, wrinkly oil-painting must be hard and cold to cry into.

Through the coating of powder on it they recognized his wrinkly, mobile face: it was the sketch-making stranger whose handiwork they had admired not half an hour before. Hearing the tale we went to the same circus and saw the same clown.

The American Merinos are the best range sheep we have, because they are so hardy and stay together so well. Some sheep scatter. It seems to be in their blood to wander about. Of course you can't take sheep like that on the range. They would be all over the state." "I should think it would be a great bother to cut the wool from a Merino when he is so wrinkly," suggested Donald thoughtfully.

She was too dark complected, and had altogether too thumpin' feet and ankles, besides wearin' wrinkly stockings." That was Andy's criticism, confided to his brother John, around whose grave mouth there was a faint glimmer of a smile, as he gave a hitch to his suspender and replied, "I guess her stockin's do wrinkle some." A few of Melinda's ways Mrs.

Haughty was a new word to Anne. But she hated to say "I don't know," and besides words made to her pictures queer ones sometimes of their meaning. "It means she warms up quick," she asserted. "Tell me about her, Lizzie. How does she look?" "She ain't so very tall and she's slim as a bean-pole," said Lizzie. "Her hair's gray and her skin is white and wrinkly. And she wears long black dresses.

The shock was all the greater for the contrast with the spell of peace which he had just enjoyed; and, almost paralysed in every sense, he stood and watched the fatal vision and the wrinkly, crawling quicksand that seemed to writhe and yearn for something that lay between.

The point is that you believe it. God! To think you don't understand me any better than that! Money!" He thrust out his long arm and snatched his wrinkly vest from a chair. He took out a cigar, a match. He tossed the vest on the floor. He lighted the cigar and puffed savagely. He broke up the match and snapped the fragments at the foot-board.

It makes me feel as if my face must be all screwy up and wrinkly, and as if I should have spectacles on and a wig." "That is not like what Miss Sybilla was when I first saw her," said Dorcas. "She was younger than you, missie, and as pretty as a fairy." "Was she?" exclaimed Griselda, stopping short. "Yes, indeed she was. She might have been a fairy, so sweet she was and gentle and yet so merry.