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I believe no estates have been let in Wiltshire, by our first-rate surveyors, on a calculation of more than 12s. per bushel, or 96s. per quarter, for the last eight years, since the high price of corn and the competition for estates.

It is probable that this was originally a British fort, for about a mile away is the ancient ford over the Avon where a great battle was fought in the days of the West Saxon invasion and in which the attackers were held. Thirty-seven years elapsed before any further advance was made into Wiltshire. Downton is also one of the places of which that curious myth story "The Pent Cuckoo" is told.

Harold bore the brunt of the trouble alone, for, regardless of the fact that half the kingdom was in a flame, King Edward and Tostig continued their hunting expeditions in Wiltshire, in spite of the urgent messages sent by Harold entreating them to return.

It was good to tread the hard, firm roads, with their foundation of rock, to meet and be greeted by the ruddy-faced, solidly built Wiltshire men and women, many of whom stopped to stare after the comely, graceful girl with the lithe stride. When Mavis had had tea and had settled herself comfortably by the fire with her book, she felt wholly contented and happy.

For thirty years they had rested inactive within the limits of the Gwent, but in 552 their capture of the hill fort of Old Sarum threw open the reaches of the Wiltshire downs, and a march of King Cuthwulf on the Thames made them masters in 571 of the districts which now form Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

There are Norburys in Cheshire and in Wiltshire, and also, as I have heard, upon the borders. So, my fair sirs, and I shall see that you are shortly admitted." He had finished his professional commentary by flinging open a folding door, and ushering the party into a broad hall, which was filled with a great number of people who were waiting, like themselves, for an audience.

He lost that office by misadventure, and would have been left destitute if Mr. Joseph Williamson had not given him a living of L120 a-year at Milston in Wiltshire. Upon this Lancelot Addison married Jane Gulstone, who was the daughter of a Doctor of Divinity, and whose brother became Bishop of Bristol. In the little Wiltshire parsonage Joseph Addison and his younger brothers and sisters were born.

Wiltshire slowly. "I have no one else to leave it to." "There is that charming and excellent girl; but dare I suggest it?" "Which charming and excellent girl?" "Your secretary and companion, Miss Bertha Keys." "Ay," said Mrs. Aylmer, "but I should be extremely sorry that she should inherit my money." "Indeed, and why? No one has been more faithful to you.

Now, it happened, by the irony of Fate, that the justice sought by Barter was one Colonel Penruddock the vindictive son of that Penruddock whom the late John Lisle whilst Lord President of the High Court had sentenced to death some thirty years ago for participation in an unsuccessful Wiltshire rising against the Commonwealth.

And now, Arthur," Ella added playfully, "if Miss Wiltshire comes not up to your standard of female excellence, I should despair of ever finding one that did." Arthur was about to reply, but was interrupted by the announcement of a visitor.