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Here I began a few miles of walking, occasionally varied by ox-cart locomotion. At one point, for the sake of company, I joined a group and took a turn at shoving the family wheel-barrow. They poured out thanks in the guttural Flemish tongue, then loaded me with bread and bits of mouldy pie. When that was not accepted they feared for their hospitality.

They proceeded from a man, dressed in the tattered remnants of the blue army uniform, who was industriously propelling a wheel-barrow towards the landing, on which was a box of similar description to those just embarked. "Hould on!" shouted he; "hould on, will yous, and take on this bit of a box?" "Does it belong with the others?" asked the captain. "To be sure it does," replied Pat.

Meanwhile, Loup Garou, which had followed, squatted himself at the head, which was hanging over the front of what they knew, from its handles and the peculiar odor, exhaling from it, to be a wheel-barrow filled with manure, and then commenced licking moaning at the same time in a low and broken whine. "What can the dog mean by that?" whispered Weston.

The wheel-barrow coming in the door called my attention, when I learned that we were going to be made respectable. I sent the wheel-barrow home, gave the shovels to two men to dig a sink hole back in the yard, and forbade any disturbance of the dry, harmless rubbish in the vestibule. I would not have my men choked with dust by its removal, and set about getting up false appearances.

As the axle was slotted for the old style of linchpins, no reasonable doubt exists as to its identity, and its discovery affords collateral proof of a statement published in Mr Dalrymple's official report "It is noteworthy that several gins of the Rockingham Bay tribe now in service in private families, and with the native police are unanimous in their statements that an elderly white man is still resident amongst them, and they associate his capture with 'white fellow leave him wheel-barrow along a scrub. Kennedy abandoned his horse-cart in the scrub of the Rockingham Bay Range before these gins were born!"

When the ball was over, the princess drove away in her carriage at full speed, for she wished to get home in time to change her ball dress into the bear's skin, and the carriage into the wheel-barrow, before anyone discovered who she was. The prince, putting spurs into his horse, rode after her, for he was determined not to let her out of his sight.

Outside a stable door at the bottom of a long back lane without a thoroughfare, a groom in undress was idling about, apparently persuading himself that he was doing something with a spade and a wheel-barrow. We may remark, in this place, that we have scarcely ever seen a groom near a stable, in his lazy moments, who has not been, to a greater or less extent, the victim of this singular delusion.

And barrow in wheel-barrow has the same origin. Burden is that which is borne, then a load, as, for instance, the burden of years. We also find in Greek δύσφορος, which corresponds exactly to the Sanskrit durbhara, with the meaningheavy to bear.” In Latin, however, fertus signifies fruitful, like fertilis, ferax.

In the main street of Gibraltar we saw three red hairs lying on a wheel-barrow before a baker's door. But they were not the hairs of a man they were the hairs out of a fur-coat. Nowhere, on land or water, could we see any sign of this boy's uncle. And if WE could not see him, then he is not to be seen.... For John Dolittle we have done our best."

The answer to that is that we never put fertilizers on our garden, anyway. If we want to kill the cook there is a more direct method, and we reserve the tobacco for ourself. No cutworm shall get a blighty one from our cherished baccy pouch. Fred says we ought to have a wheel-barrow; Hank swears by a mulching iron; Bill is all for cold frames.