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"And how do you find yourself, my poor lad?" inquires the stationer with his cough of sympathy. "I am in luck, Mr. Sangsby, I am," returns Jo, "and don't want for nothink. I'm more cumfbler nor you can't think. Mr. Sangsby! I'm wery sorry that I done it, but I didn't go fur to do it, sir." The stationer softly lays down another half-crown and asks him what it is that he is sorry for having done.

But he never did anything of the kind; on the contrary, both he and Captain Arnold encouraged me to believe you an idle, worthless lot of scamps, and to treat you as such. And that is the plain, simple truth, I swear it." "Wery good," commented Rogers. "Then, you see, Thomson, you and us thinks alike, namely, that Nicholls in a kind of a sort of a way led you into this here miserable scrape.

I fear I have got into an improper place. SUSAN bursts in. Sus. Yes, ma'am, and that you have! It's a wery improper place for the likes o' you, ma'am as believes all sorts o' wicked things of people as is poor. Who are you to bring your low flunkies a-listenin' at honest girls' doors! Let me catch you here again, and I'll mark you that the devil wouldn't know his own! You dirty Paul Pry you! Mat.

'You spoke to the mistress, did you? inquired Bradley, with that former composure of voice and feature that seemed inconsistent, and with averted eyes. 'Poof! Yes, said Riderhood, withdrawing his attention from the smoke. 'I spoke to her. I didn't say much to her. I tells her, "O no, nothink wrong. The master's my wery good friend." But I see how the land laid, and that she was comfortable off.

The other three cordially subscribed to this opinion, and the anecdote afforded the most unlimited satisfaction. 'Nice men these here, Sir, whispered Mr. Weller to his master; 'wery nice notion of fun they has, Sir. Mr.

"Yes, that's so," assented Sam with a nod. "Wery good. Now, then, if it ain't a substance at all, it's nothin'. An' if it's nothin', how can you go an' talk of it as somethin' an' give it a name, an' tell me it works the telegraph, an' does all manner of wonderful things?" "But it does not follow that a thing must be nothing because it isn't a substance.

'I am very glad to see that you have so high a sense of your duties as a son, Sam, said Mr. Pickwick. 'I always had, sir, replied Mr. Weller. 'That's a very gratifying reflection, Sam, said Mr. Pickwick approvingly. 'Wery, Sir, replied Mr. Weller; 'if ever I wanted anythin' o' my father, I always asked for it in a wery 'spectful and obligin' manner.

"Seein' she's a member and wears plain, it wouldn't cost wery expensive to furnish fur her, fur she hasn't the dare to have nothin' stylish like a organ or gilt-framed landscapes or sich stuffed furniture that way." "The room's good enough the way it is," repeated Mr. Getz. "I don't see no use spendin' on it." "It needs new paper and carpet. Pop, it'll get put out if you don't furnish fur her.

Much that he says is perfectly true; much of it, whether true or not, is, as Mr Weller observes, "wery pretty." It was, of course, a capital argumentum ad invidiam, and Mr Arnold frankly adopted it. He compared himself to Cobbett a compliment, no doubt; but one which, I fear, Cobbett, who hated nothing so much as a university man, would not have appreciated.

Samuel Weller entered with great precipitation, and carefully relocking it on the inside, deliberately put the key in his waistcoat pocket; and, after surveying Mr. Winkle from head to foot, said 'You're a wery humorous young gen'l'm'n, you air, Sir! 'What do you mean by this conduct, Sam? inquired Mr. Winkle indignantly. 'Get out, sir, this instant. What do you mean, Sir?