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This reminds me that I have corrected a mistake in the manuscript of the libretto, but not in the score. In the last words of Lohengrin's leave-taking of Elsa it should be, instead of "mein zurnt der Gral wenn ich noch bleib," "mir zurnt," etc., etc. You ask me also for a few metronomical indications of the tempo.

He was continually daring Fritze to come on; and already, in a despatch of the 9th, I find Becker complaining of his language in the hearing of German officials, and how he had declared that, on the Adler again interfering, he would interfere himself, "if he went to the bottom for it und wenn sein Schiff dabei zu Grunde ginge."

They are the noblest hearts of that noble land freemen, who value freedom, who have abandoned all rather than call Harald master, and now seek a new home even among the desolate crags of Iceland, rather than submit to the tyranny of a usurper. "Rorb ober Gud! wenn nur bie Geelen gluben!"

There has not been one but many a Petrarch, who, failing to have his love requited, has been obliged to drag through life as if his feet were either fettered or carried a leaden weight, and give vent to his sighs in a lonely forest; nevertheless there was only one Petrarch who possessed the true poetic instinct, so that Goethe's beautiful lines are true of him: "Und wenn der Mensch in seiner Quaal verstummt, Gab mir ein Gott, zu sagen, wie ich leide."

She started instinctively, flushed red, and bit her lower lip. A spot of light, like the gleam of a tear, flashed on her eyelash, and rising quickly, she went out of the room. 'Where are you off to, Susanna Ivanovna? Mr. Ratsch bawled after her. 'Let her be, Ivan Demianitch, 'put in Eleonora Karpovna. 'Wenn sie einmal so et was im Kopfe hat...

Wenn haber man kann nicht meinem Rede Verstehen, so werde ich ihm später dasselbe uebersetz, wenn er solche Dienst verlangen wollen haben werden sollen sein hätte.

You can thank your stars that I've not shown them to Mother. Besides people who can't spell yet really ought not to keep diaries. It's not suitable for children. I was in a wax. In the closet I took a squint to see what mistakes I had made. There was only wenn with one n instead of double n and dass with short ss's, that's all. I was jolly glad that there was nothing about her on the page.

Hundert und sieben Arten sinds. "Ja, hundert Arten, Mutterlein, Und tausend Zweige habt ihr auch, Ihr, die ihr hundert Krafte habt, Macht diesen Menschen mir gesund. "Ihr Krauter hort, ihr Mutterchen, Ihr gottlichen, das sag ich euch: Ross, Rind und Kleid gewann' ich gern Und auch dein Leben, lieber Mann! Furwahr ihr bringt mir Rinder ein, Wenn ihr ihn rettet diesen Mann."

"Liebste, nur dich seh'n" is a passionate lyric; and "Wenn die Vöglein sich gepaart" is florid and trilly, but legitimately so; it should find much concert use. These songs, indeed, are all more than melodies; they are expressions.

"Die Schwalb'n flieg'n fort, doch sie zieh'n wieder her; Der Mensch wenn er fortgeht, er kommt nimmermehr!" Waymark was silent for a little after that. When it was nearly eleven o'clock, Casti looked once or twice meaningly at Waymark, and the friends at length rose to take their leave, in spite of much protest.