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* In spite of this ludicrous association Mr. Browning always recognized great merit in Watts's hymns, and still more in Dr. Watts himself, who had devoted to this comparatively humble work intellectual powers competent to far higher things. It was in no case literally true. William, afterwards Sir William, Channel was leaving Mr.

"The Psalms of David have supplied the Christian church with its best psalmody for nearly three thousand years," continued I. "They constitute the reservoir from which Luther, and Watts, and Wesley, and Doddridge, and a host of other singers have drawn their inspiration, and in which myriads untold have found the expression of their highest and holiest experiences, myriads who never heard of Homer.

"He began long before any of you dreamed," said Mrs. D'Alloi. "Didn't he, Watts?" "Undoubtedly," laughed Watts. "And so did she. I really think Leonore did quite as much in her way, as Peter did. I never saw her treat any one quite as she behaved to Peter from the very first. I remember her coming in after her runaway, wild with enthusiasm over him, and saying to me 'Oh, I'm so happy.

General Ward spoke poorly, which was to his credit, considering the occasion, and Watts McHurdie's poem got entangled with Juno and Hermes and Minerva and a number of scandalous heathen gods, who were no friends of Watts, and the crowd tired before he finished the second canto.

It was surely better than Eygji Watts, whose sanguine parents were said to have named him with the first five letters they drew from a hat containing the alphabet; Ben Holt was assuredly better than Eygji, even had this not been rendered into "Hedge-hog" by careless companions.

Watts is the chief, I know, but 'oo is Mr. Philip Hozier?" "Youngster fillin' in sea-service to get a ticket an' qualify for the Cunard." "Thoroughly reliable sort of chap, eh?" "The best." It was odd how these men left unsaid the really vital things. Again it was Coke who tried to fill in some part of the blank space. "Just the right kind of second for the Andromeda's last cruise," he muttered.

Watts, I have a further duty for you to perform," said Christy, as he explained his plan to the steward. "We shall go down the river till we meet this steamer which conveys the enemy. As you are a sailor as well as a caterer, you have a nautical eye, and when you have seen this steamer you will know her again." "Trust me for that.

Certain it is, that the partisan press would end to-morrow, but for the narrowness and meanness of readers." "Which they cause," said Ogden. "Just as much," said Peter, "as the saloon makes a drunkard, food causes hunger, and books make readers." "But, at least, you must acknowledge they've got you, when they say you are the saloon-keepers' friend," laughed Watts. "Yes.

Watts, the agent of the Company at their factory at Cossimbazar; and sent his son Kissendas, with a large retinue, his family and treasures, to Calcutta. "Two or three days after his accession, Suraja Dowlah despatched a letter to Mr. Drake, our governor, ordering him to surrender Kissendas and the treasures immediately.

"Miss Watts is at home, sick," Miss Pierce said eagerly. "And I was at the board, when some of those bigger boys set a bench up on top of another bench. I heard the noise and turned around; this child poor little Maude Daley, it is was standing right there, and got the full weight of both benches as they fell."