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Updated: August 17, 2024

Insolent, veni et vapula!" But Amyas went on drawing. "Come hither, sirrah, or I'll flay you alive!" "Wait a bit!" answered Amyas. The old gentleman jumped up, ferula in hand, and darted across the school, and saw himself upon the fatal slate. "Proh flagitium! what have we here, villain?" and clutching at his victim, he raised the cane.

She wears a gorgeous crown, which her Son has placed on her brow Christ has only the cruciform nimbus; in his left hand is an open book, on which is inscribed, "Veni, Electa mea" &c. "Come, my chosen one, and I will place thee upon my throne." The Virgin holds a tablet, on which are the words "His right hand should be under my head, and his left hand should embrace me."

Aquilina declared that she knew nothing whatever about it. At six that evening Dukovski returned. He was more agitated than he had ever been before. His hands trembled so that he could not even unbutton his greatcoat. His cheeks glowed. It was clear that he did not come empty-handed. "Veni, vidi, vici!" he cried, rushing into Chubikoff's room, and falling into an armchair.

But the bailiffs were picked men, broad-shouldered and athletic, and furnished with active-looking shillelaghs. Veni, vidi, victus sum! a glance showed him all was lost. 'My blessin' an you, Peg Finigan! and was it you let them in? murmured his reverence, with intense feeling. 'At whose suit? enquired the generous outlaw, sitting up among the blankets. 'Mrs.

"Repetition of the great Caesar's experience veni vidi vici, eh? What?" "So say I," said Jack Romayne. "It has been a very real pleasure to know you, Jane. For my part, I shan't forget your visit to me, and the talks we have had together." "You have all been good to me. I cannot tell you how I feel about it." Jane's voice was a little tremulous, but her smile was as bright as ever.

I always quote, when the contrary is not expressly said, the original edition of 1596. Have these tribes of Cassipagtos, Epuremei, and Orinoqueponi, so often mentioned by Raleigh, disappeared? or did some misapprehension give rise to these denominations? In the same manner Cass-iquiare may be a great river, for iquiare, like veni, is, an the north of the Amazon, a termination common to all rivers.

Pen sighed for it first in secret, and, like the love-sick swain in Ovid, opened his breast and said, "Aura, veni." What generous youth is there that has not courted some such windy mistress in his time?

"He hasn't," Sir Henry continued, blowing out the match which he had been holding to his cigarette and throwing it away, "been in the position of being able to render you or Helen any service, has he?" "I don't understand you," Philippa replied, a little uneasily. "There's nothing to understand," Sir Henry went on. "I was simply trying to find some explanation for his veni, vidi, vici."

I was at the window when you arrived at the Europe. You were followed. Or, at all events, I thought you were followed. So I made up my mind to walk back with you and see. Veni, vidi, vici you understand?" And again his clear laugh broke the silence of that back street, while he made a pass at an imaginary foe with his stick. "I thought we might escape by the quieter streets," he went on.

"There are spades in the pack, however much you may wish to ignore 'em. You know very well you don't like these Quicksands people. They grate on your finer sensibilities, and all that sort of thing. Come, now, isn't it so?" She coloured again, and put her horse to the trot. "Onwards and upwards," he cried. "Veni, vidi, vici, ascendi."

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