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Go to her, tell her what you have seen and heard here, I send her my secret as a betrothal gift, and then ask her to send me an answer to the words she heard me speak on a certain eventful occasion." "You may trust me!" with alacrity responded Herr Bernat. "Within half an hour I shall return with a reply: Veni, vidi, vici!"

Ellen Evans, daughter of my tutor Evans, her call unto the crystal was this: 'O Micol, O tu Micol, regina pigmeorum veni, &c.

"What shall I play next?" asked Garth, suddenly. "Veni, Creator Spiritus," said Nurse Rosemary; and bowed her head in prayer. Wednesday dawned; an ideal First of May: Garth was in the garden before breakfast. Jane heard him singing, as he passed beneath her window. "It is not mine to sing the stately grace, The great soul beaming in my lady's face." She leaned out.

But Xavier never made use of this permission, what affairs soever he was pressed withal, for the service of Almighty God: on the contrary, before the beginning of every canonical hour, he always said the hymn of Veni, Creator Spiritus; and it was observed, that while he said it, his countenance was enlightened, as if the Holy Ghost, whom he invoked, was visibly descended on him.

The Grand Almoner, after a deep bow to Their Majesties, intoned the Veni Creator, and then proceeded to bless the thirteen pieces of gold and the ring. Napoleon and Marie Louise arose, advanced to the altar, and clasped their bared right hands.

"God give you perseverance, my daughter," said the prelate; he rose, turned to the altar, genuflected, and with uncovered head began the chant "Veni Creator," taken up by the voices of the nuns behind the light screen of iron. Then he replaced his mitre, and prayed, while the chanted psalms rose under the arches.

I sat here, and turned over the leaves of books, collected here through a series of years, in which travellers have inscribed their names, feelings and thoughts at Trollhätta almost always the same astonishment, expressed in different languages, though generally in Latin: veni, vidi, obstupui.

He leaves on the three o'clock train. Better be at the rectory at eleven thirty. Sincerely, Donald Murray." When Mark arrived at the church, which stood quite close to the little rectory, he heard the choir singing the Veni Creator, and remembered enough of former visits to church services to know that the sermon was about to begin.

It is said too, and I fear with too much truth, that there are in this town some permitted professors of the inveigling arts, who still continue to cry Veni etiam, as their ancestors did when flying from the Goths they sought these sands for refuge, and gave their lion wings.

He drew this dimple in the cheek of AEneas to prove Augustus of the same family by so remarkable a feature in the same place. Neque haec in faedera veni is the very excuse which AEneas makes when he leaves his lady. "I made no such bargain with you at our marriage to live always drudging on at Carthage; my business was Italy, and I never made a secret of it.