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Updated: August 20, 2024

Her father was a simple clerk in the Chancery office and was accountant to the convent for some small wage. His name was Veit Spiesz, and she had heard her father say that the scribe was the son of a simple lute-player and could hardly earn enough to live. He had formerly served in a merchant's house at Venice.

It was twelve years since, during the plague. "Reicklein, yonder, had no other relatives here her parents were from Bamberg but she was well off, and her husband, Veit, earned enough by his travels through the country. But on St.

The dusk of a winter evening shrouded the empty streets when a stranger, of grave demeanor and in the prime of life, knocked at the stone-mason's door. Kala opened it, and her father, recognizing the visitor, rose with wondering respect to greet him. It was Veit Stoss, the wood-carver, then at the zenith of his fame.

"I knew all the Hirschvogels, from old Veit downwards," said a fat gres de Flandre beer jug; "I myself was made at Nurnberg." And he bowed to the great stove very politely, taking off his own silver hat I mean lid with a courtly sweep that he could scarcely have learned from burgomasters.

The damsel thought to do somewhat fine by making choice, instead of a German song, of a French lay by the Sieur de Machault "J'aim la flour," which was well known to all of us by reason that she had learnt it from old Veit Spiesz, Ann's grandfather; and she had no need to fear to uplift her voice, inasmuch as it was strong and as clear as a bell.

The place, it is clear, was already of considerable military importance or it would not have been worth while to invest it. It may be as well briefly to notice the two churches St. Sebald and St. Lawrence. The former was within a stone's throw of our inn. Above the door of the western front is a remarkably fine crucifix of wood placed, however, in too deep a recess said to be by Veit Stoss.

Herdegen was to be back in Padua before Passion week, and I shall remember with thankfulness to the day of my death the few months after worthy Veit Spiesz's burial and before my brother's departure.

What will my Stanzl say when she learns that the piece of work which you are going to hear came to life at this very hour of the night, just before I was to go on a journey?" "Is it possible! When? Oh! three weeks ago, when you were to go to Eisenstadt." "Exactly. This is how it came about. Meanwhile Veit had lighted the candles on the writing-table, as usual.

Luther, in these comfortable quarters, let his beard grow again, as he had formerly done at the Wartburg. VEIT DIETRICH, as Pastor of Nuremberg. In that same letter to Melancthon, Luther mentioned several writings which he had in prospect.

The figure is not more than eighteen inches high, and is, from the smallness of its size, compared with the greatness of its celebrity, a general disappointment to those who see it for the first time. The Goose-seller owes its popularity to its perfect truth and simplicity. Another artist of this era, inferior to none in taste and delicacy of sentiment, was Veit Stoss.

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