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He would even go away and leave the anxious candidate while he was in the middle of some discussion as to his plans. It was easy to see that Mr Scruby no longer regarded him as a successful man, and the day of the poll showed very plainly how right Mr Scruby had been. George Vavasor was rejected, but he still had his five hundred pounds in his pocket.

"Well, upon my word, you've taken me a little by surprise. Let me see. Pinkle, Pinkle." Pinkle was a clerk who sat in an inner room, and Mr Tombe's effort to call him seemed to be most ineffectual. But Pinkle understood the sound, and came. "Pinkle, didn't we pay some money into Hock and Block's a few weeks since, to the credit of Mr George Vavasor?"

But see what a life they lead. It isn't a pleasant thing to be afraid of coming into your agent's office; not what you would like, Mr Vavasor; not if I know you." "I never was afraid of meeting anyone yet," said Vavasor; "but I don't know what I may come to." "Nor never will, I'll go bail. But, Lord love you, I could tell you such tales!

"And what was her fortune to you, sir? Are you aware that she is engaged to me as my wife? I ask you, sir, whether you are aware that Miss Vavasor is to be my wife?" "I must altogether decline to discuss with you Miss Vavasor's present or future position." "By heavens, then, you shall hear me discuss it! She was engaged to you, and she has given you your dismissal.

Thus, at least, he had accounted for himself and his movements; but all George Vavasor's friends knew that his goings out and comings in were seldom accounted for openly like those of other men. It will perhaps be as well to say a few words about Mrs Greenow before we go with her to Yarmouth. Mrs Greenow was the only daughter and the youngest child of the old squire at Vavasor Hall.

"Nor I, either," said John Vavasor. "He went to church with us here on Christmas-day." "Did he, indeed? Dear, dear! He seems at last to have gone off just like poor Greenow." Here she put her handkerchief up to her face. "I think you didn't know Greenow, John?" "I met him once," said her brother. "Ah! he wasn't to be known and understood in that way.

But she has given me advice by letter, and I did not answer her because I thought she had no business to interfere. I shall go away, not because I am afraid of her, but because, after what has passed, our meeting would be unpleasant to her." "You could tell her that Miss Vavasor is here," said Mr Palliser. "And then she need not come unless she pleased."

He made, therefore, towards the bell, trusting that Vavasor would not fire at him, but having some little thought also as to the danger of the moment. It might be that everything was over for him now, that the fatal hour had come, and that eternity was close upon him. Something of the spirit of a prayer flashed across his mind as he moved.

Whereupon the country gentleman retreated, and became less conspicuous than he had been. Away they went again, off Cleshey and into Thornden parish, on the land of Sorrel Farm, a spot well to be remembered by one or two ever afterwards. Here Sir William made for a gate which took him a little out of the line, but Maxwell and Burgo Fitzgerald, followed by Vavasor, went straight ahead.

Raymount, and finding both him and his family in good repute, complained of indeed as exclusive, he had told his aunt as much concerning them as he judged prudent, hinting it would give him pleasure if she should see fit to call upon Mrs. Raymount. Miss Vavasor being, however, naturally jealous of the judgment of young men, pledged herself to nothing, and made inquiries for herself.