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Updated: August 26, 2024

After a vehement contest, victory declared itself unhesitatingly for O'Connell, who was found to have polled more than a thousand votes over his antagonist. The months which followed were months of the wildest and most feverish excitement all over Ireland. O'Connell, though he used his "frank," did not present himself at the House of Commons.

Can we suppose that the angels the immortal companies of heaven are not hourly increasing in number, and extending their population throughout infinity? and yet in heaven there is no marrying nor giving in marriage. All this, clothed by you in words which my memory only serves me to quote imperfectly, all this I unhesitatingly concede." Mr.

Reluctantly the puzzled American slowly followed, dipping down into the black labyrinth leading beneath the stage. Amid silence and darkness Mercedes grasped her arm firmly, leading unhesitatingly forward. Standing within the glare of light streaming through the partially open door. Miss Norvell drew a sudden breath of relief.

In Vincent's party, with the exception of himself, there was scarcely an individual with the honesty requisite for loving the projects they affected to propose, or the talents that were necessary for carrying them into effect, even were their wishes sincere; nor were either the haughty Lincoln, or his noisy and overbearing companion, Lesborough, at all of a temper to suffer that quiet, yet powerful interference of others, to which Dawton unhesitatingly submitted.

"Most probably something is going on there," thought Henrietta. She was quite sure of it when she saw her father unhesitatingly give up the splendid suite of apartments in the lower story of the palace, which were cut up into an infinite number of small rooms. On the doors there appeared, one by one, signs not usually found in such houses; as, "Office," "Board Room," "Secretary," "Cashier's Room."

"It is our great misfortune," said he, "that we have here to do with that portion of my countrymen which is perhaps most deeply sunk in the mire of ancient custom. We have begun by unhesitatingly leading in the front ourselves whenever any disagreeable consequences are to be borne by reason of our infringement of the old customs.

Now, if the words of my text are an allusion to the prophecy to which I have already referred, it is striking to observe, though I cannot dwell upon the thought, that Paul here unhesitatingly ascribes to Jesus Christ an action which, in the source of his quotation, is ascribed to Jehovah. 'Arise, shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of Jehovah is risen upon thee, says the prophet.

Before I answer your question I am afraid I must ask you to favour me with your card, as a guarantee of your bona fides, you know." "Certainly," answered the stranger unhesitatingly, as he felt in the breast pocket of his coat for his card-case.

Such is the potency of the white man's eye that the leader of the breeds had unhesitatingly yielded the direction of affairs to the youth who was little more than a third of his age. Upon landing, Ambrose pointed to the lookout bench. "Let us sit there and talk," he said. "Simon," he said immediately, "suppose it came to a fight, how many men do you think Gaviller could count on?"

His keenness of vision, his vigilance of watch, his promptness in opposing his best resources to the press of danger, of covering his weak points, and converting into means and modes of defence and extrication, all that was available in his situation were remarkable endowments, which soon fixed the regards of his followers, and upon which they unhesitatingly relied.

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