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And since one of us must ask to be forgiven, lo! here am I come to ask your pardon." "Why, what is there to pardon, Madam?" says he. "Only a girl's folly, which unforgiven must seem something worse." "Your utmost folly," says he, "is to have been over-kind to a poor painter. And if that be an offence, 'tis my misfortune to be no more offended."

No imagination can conceive the dreadful temptations it sets before me. For some unforgiven wickedness of my forefathers I am knit to this fiend for a fiend it surely is. I beg and beseech you to crush it out of human semblance, even if I die for it. Such were the words of the hapless Mordake to Manvers and Treadwell, his physicians.

Oh, I celebrate God's slowness! The slower the rail-train comes the better, if the drawbridge is off. How long have you, my brother, lived unforgiven? Fifteen, twenty, forty, sixty years?

Why, too, should they transfer any portion of the infliction to their posterity? What evidence have we that the wild suggestion was sanctioned by Omnipotence? On the contrary, amid the expiating agony, a Divine Voice at the same time solicited and secured forgiveness. And if unforgiven, could the cry of a rabble at such a scene bind a nation?

If they do not go to Him, though they may satisfy me, as principal of a school, by not repeating the offence, they must remain unforgiven. I can forget, and I do forget. For example, in this last case I have not the slightest recollection of any individual who was engaged in it.

"I wonder," said Burke, And then he laid his hand upon the flicking duster and stopped her quivering activity. "Are you still hating me?" he said. She stood motionless, and still her eyes avoided his. "I'll tell you," she said, "when we meet again." "Does that mean that I am to go unforgiven?" he said. Against her will she looked at him. In spite of her, her lip trembled,

Wife, daughter, brother vanished, and returned only in dreams. I was and remain the wanderer, the undying, the repentant, the unforgiven. O heart! O weary feet! O eyes that have seen and never more shall see, until they see once and are blinded for ever!

Osborne dropped it with the bitterest, deadliest pang of balked affection and revenge. His son was still beloved and unforgiven. Two months afterwards an elaborate funeral monument to the memory of Captain George Osborne appeared on the wall of the church which Mr. Osborne attended, and in the autumn the old man went to Belgium.

But the recommendation to mercy, though it came from the lips of tigers, dripping with human blood, fell unheeded on the tyrant's ear. It seemed meet that the man who had supplied the nerves of war in that unforgiven series of triumphs, should share the fate of the hero who had won the laurels.

I used to think a great deal about your mother, as I was saying; sometimes I would lie awake when the rest were off as sound as a top, and think about her. Maybe it was foolish, and I'm sure I wouldn't have told anybody of it; but I couldn't get rid of the notion that something might happen to her or to me before five months were out, and I with those words unforgiven.