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"Have I been over-kind?" says Moll, abashed, as having unwittingly passed the bounds of maiden modesty. "As nature will be over-bounteous in one season, strewing so many flowers in our path that we do underprize them till they are lost, and all the world seems stricken with wintry desolation." "Yet, if I have said or done anything unbecoming to my sex "

She continued to flaunt her Christian humility in the eyes of her own circle, and to withhold her pity from the poor, lonely old woman whom hate had made bitter and to whom the world, after all, had not been over-kind. But prosperity is usually cruel, and one needs the prick of the thorn one's self to know how it stings his brother. She was startled one day, however, out of her usual placidity.

To be mild with other men, because we distrust ourselves, is a poisonous sympathy that rots away the life of him who receives it, and of him who gives it, and ends in a slobbering charity which must finally protect itself by tyranny and cruelty. Not infrequently in dealing with individuals and with subject nations it is senseless cruelty to be over-kind.

He gave it to Ayre, who read it silently. It ran: "DEAR EUGENE: "A line to wish Lady Claudia and yourself all happiness and joy. Do not let your joy be shadowed by over-kind thoughts of me. I am my own man again. You will see soon by the papers that I have taken the important step of being received into the Catholic Church. I need not trouble you with an argument.

At a very early date he had registered a vow that he would not. And the road that led out of it for him was the uphill road of literature. He was thankful for small mercies. Fate had not been over-kind up to the present, but at least she had dispatched him to New York, the centre of things, where he would have the chance to try, instead of to some spot off the map.

First her husband taken, then her dearest child; her ungrateful boys not over-kind to her; and now this last blow dealt her by Beth, just when the prospect of getting her well married was bringing a gleam of happiness into her mother's life. The piteous sobs continued.

As silently, he moved behind the group, and was stealing up the stairs. Mrs. Duff placed herself before him. "Where be you a-going, Mr. Roy? Mr. Jan said as not a soul was to go a-nigh him to disturb him with talk. A nice thing, it 'ud be, for it to settle on his brain!" "I ain't a-going to disturb him," returned Roy. "I have seen something myself to-night that is not over-kind.

You do trust me so absolutely, you are so strangely over-kind to me, it is shameful I should vex you by fretting because you are forced to do what you might well have done at your own pleasure." "My own, I was more than vexed; chiefly perhaps for your sake, but not by you.

"Of course, I know you can get things yourself. But when your friend is so ... so ... oh, take these." And she ran away indoors again, the very fashion of a young girl fearing to be caught doing something over-kind. I had to call my last thanks after her. When the Captain came out next evening with my wheels and rollers, I took the opportunity of thanking him for the clothes.

A sudden change from dependence to comparative wealth is trying to the best-balanced character. Samarendra's head was turned by the accession of fortune; he began to give himself airs in dealing with acquaintances, and was not over-kind to his mother, who bore her sufferings patiently. A landed proprietor holds service in contempt.