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No, it was not I; I had no concern in the thought that then fell upon me unbidden and undesired; my individual voice can give you but praise and loving words; and the voice that said "I am glad" was not my voice, but that of the will to live which we inherit from elemental dust through countless generations.

It is now indeed generally held that one of the chief primary objects of ornament and clothing was the stimulation of sexual desire, and artists' models are well aware that when they are completely unclothed, they are most safe from undesired masculine advances. "A favorite model of mine told me," remarks Dr. This fact is, indeed, quite familiar to artists' models.

If she is inclined to be morbid, every child’s face seen in the street turns the knife in the wound; every sweet baby’s cooing is another pang. ‘Not for me not for me!’ must be the perpetual refrain in her mind. Her arms are empty, her heart is cold; she belongs to the vast, sad army of the undesired. Do you wonder the madhouses are full of single women?

Handsome and elegant and courtly he was, a true chevalier of adventurous pioneering stock, sprung from the old proud Spanish blood, but there stole behind the girl's vision, as she bade him farewell, the undesired phantasm of a very different face, weary and lined and lighted by steadfast gray eyes eyes that looked truthful and belonged to a liar!

I will," observed Stackpole, restoring his undesired stocks to his bag. Cowperwood, with an admirable show of courtesy, called a stenographer, and pretended to secure for his guest the home addresses of these gentlemen. He then bade Mr. Stackpole an encouraging farewell.

His description of his bedroom it was much larger and grander in the letter than any bedroom that really existed at Fryston of the servants in livery, the menu of the dinner-table, and of the valet who made unlawful and undesired investigation of the contents of his pockets when he intruded himself upon him in the morning, all bespoke the absolute novice.

To volunteer undesired information does no good, for it creates opposition in the mind of the hearers. If the information is sought, the chances are that it may in time do good. It is well enough to indicate how and where better knowledge may be obtained. We should at all times attempt to conserve our energy and use it only when and where it is helpful.

He loved her best, she thought; and yet dared she to murmur such treacherous criticism ever so softly? what was the man worth whom a woman inferior to herself did not value? The sentiment which lurks more or less in all animate nature that of not desiring the undesired of others was lively as a passion in the super-subtle, epicurean heart of Eustacia.

To look at Peter was to wonder whether there could be such a thing as a well-groomed combatant; and until to-day she had never thought of Peter as a combatant. The sight of his lean face summoned, all undesired, the vague vision of an ideal, and perhaps it was this that caused her voice to falter a little as she came forward and called his name. He rose precipitately.

Had I the pleasure to hear you aright? 'Perfectly right, Fergus. 'And am I to understand that you no longer desire my alliance and my sister's hand? 'Your sister has refused mine, said Waverley, 'both directly and by all the usual means by which ladies repress undesired attentions.