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There was a muffled grating of iron under the gin's hand, as the padlock unclosed and the hasp dropped, then a creak of the door on its hinges, while it opened and shut behind the undulating shape in the aperture. Then a low throaty ejaculation the black's call of warning.

"What will happen then, John?" asked Nan, with a wondering glance. "I'll tell you in a year, Nan, wait till then." and John's strong hand unclosed, as if the desired good were not to be his yet. Di looked at him, with a knitting-needle stuck into her hair, saying, like a sarcastic unicorn,

It was unanimously voted by all hands that we should stop and breakfast at a small inn by the road-side, and warm ourselves before proceeding to Prescott. The people in the tavern were not stirring, and it was some time before an old white-headed man unclosed the door, and showed us into a room, redolent with fumes of tobacco, and darkened by paper blinds.

Her heart beat so violently she could scarcely speak, as, standing by his bedside, she saw his blue eyes were unclosed and apparently gazing upon her where she stood with Mat Morgan by her side. 'Davie, she whispered softly, bending over him and kissing the parted lips, 'here is Master Morgan come to see you. 'Where is he? the boy joyfully cried. 'He is not hurt, then? Oh, I am so glad!

They had never heard her sing; indeed, the simple art which her mother had taught her, had died, with her early joyousness, at that dear mother's death. But now she sang continually, very soft and low. She went from one childish ditty to another without let or pause, keeping a strange sort of time with her pretty fingers, as they closed and unclosed themselves upon the counterpane.

It is dangerous work that you would assign to me, a work for which I might lose my head, and you venture to offer me a poor six thousand scudi for it! Adieu, then, pious fathers, keep you your golden lock, and I my unclosed lips. I shall know when and where to speak!" And the cardinal moved toward the door.

The clamor of bells which seemed to pour through the open window was thus partly silenced. The lantern made its dim illumination with specks of light, swinging from a nail over the window alcove. Maria had not yet unclosed her eyes. Her wasted hand made a network around one of Rice's fingers, and as the coughing spasm seized her she tightened it.

The witness, I found, was my eldest child, then, as I have said, about nine years of age. Having awoke in the night, and lain awake for some time in her bed, she heard the handle of the door turn, and a person whom she distinctly saw for it was a light night, and the window-shutters unclosed but whom she had never seen before, stepped in on tiptoe, and with an appearance of great caution.

He hastily advanced, his rough nature for the first time touched at this proof of confidence, and his vanity suddenly rising to a dangerous height, and taking the delicate white paw, which drooped gracefully from a mantle, within his own, he unclosed his jaws to make some tender speech.

She took in her hand the superb bunch of flowers from which the fingers of Florence unclosed as if it had been an icicle. "Why didn't you say so before?" she inquired sharply; but the "fowling-piece" had wisely disappeared. "I am very glad!" exclaimed Edith. "They have had plenty all winter, and you haven't had one I am very glad it is yours, Fleda."