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I make dat lovely lady a check every veek fer tirty-five hunded dollars, an' I gotta sign it vit my own hand, and I tell you it gives me de cramps to sign so much money all de time, but I do it, and you see all dem rings and ribbons and veils and tings vot she buys vit de money, she looks like a jeweler's shop and a toy-store all rolled into vun goin' valkin' down de street." "Mr.

"I think the best thing to do," said the Villain, "is to find a toy-store, for there some doll can tell us what to do." So they kept an eye out for a toy-store, and pretty soon they found one. "I'd better go in alone," said Kernel Cob, "because I'm the bravest and have a sword and can fight if any trouble arises." "Aye, aye, skipper," said Jackie Tar.

He brought home lead soldiers, he brought toy trains, he brought large pleasant animals made of cotton, and, to perfect the illusion which he was creating for himself at least he passionately demanded of the clerk in the toy-store whether "the paint would come oft the pink duck if the baby put it in his mouth." But, despite all his father's efforts, Benjamin refused to be interested.

The present generation seem unwilling to "realize" by slow and sure degrees; but choose rather to set their whole hopes upon a single cast, which either makes or mars them forever! Gentle reader, do you remember Monsieur Poopoo? He used to keep a small toy-store in Chatham, near the corner of Pearl Street. You must recollect him, of course.

Monkey-Doodle, I'll take her to Susie." Then Uncle Wiggily paid the toy-store keeper and hurried off with Susie's doll. Uncle Wiggily had not gone very far before, all at once from around the corner of a snowbank he heard a sad, little voice crying: "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" "My goodness!" said the bunny uncle. "Some one else is in trouble. I wonder who it can be this time?"

"I have come for my China Cat," said Mr. Mugg, rubbing his hands and looking over the tops of his glasses. "Here she is," said the sergeant, and he handed over the pussy who had been rescued from the flood. For a moment the toy-store keeper looked at the plaything. Then he sadly shook his head. "No, I am sorry to say that is not my China Cat," he said.

Mugg and tell him to come here and get his China Cat," the sergeant said. "This may not be his toy. It may have been stolen from some other store. But I'll soon find out." So the police sergeant telephoned to Mr. Mugg. The toy-store keeper and his daughters, Angelina and Geraldine, were very busy, getting things to rights after the fire.

A fruitless search had left us almost in despair, when, late on Monday afternoon, we joyed to discover miniature candles of red, yellow, and blue on the open-air stall in front of a toy-store. A rummage in the interior of the shop procured candle clips, and a variety of glittering bagatelles.

Cyr, and you may be sure that she admired her brother, the new lieutenant, boots and all. And as they came home, Napoleon took the little girls into a toy-store, and bought for them a toy-carriage, in which he placed a doll dressed as Puss-in-boots. "It is the carriage of the Marquis of Carabas, my children," he said, as they went to the Permons' house by the river.

"Who do you think has come home with me?" he said, and he held up before them the veritable Santa Claus himself, done in plaster and all snow-covered. He had bought it at the corner toy-store with his lucky quarter. "I met him on the road over on Long Island, where 'Liza and I was to-day, and I gave him a ride to town.