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Updated: August 5, 2024

But you want to recognize what you're doing after this, you'll find yourself up against all the Sachem toughs. It's quite likely they'll make trouble for you." "I wonder whether such reasons count for much with Mr. Lansing?" Flora said suggestively. George made no reply, but Edgar laughed. "They don't, Miss Grant; you can set your mind at rest on that.

Where they had originated, no one could remember, but there they lay, unsuspected by parental authorities, to be used as a possible defense against the incursions of the "Jefferson Toughs," who ruled the district to the immediate north, or to be dragged forth, as in the present case, to lend an air of solemnity to the many plots hatched between the four cramped walls.

Each type believes the other to be inferior to itself; but disdain in the one case is mingled with amusement, in the other it has a dash of fear. Now, as I have already insisted, few of us are tender-foot Bostonians pure and simple, and few are typical Rocky Mountain toughs, in philosophy. Most of us have a hankering for the good things on both sides of the line.

"And they aren't soldiers, but scientists. But they do have weapons, and they know how to handle them. They have to, in order to keep the Toughs from getting out of line." "Perhaps we can whip the Jellies up to the point of causing a good deal of initial trouble and confusion, and then the three of us move in at the proper moment after the attack from outside is under way," said Dark.

I was well-known to the general run of canallers, and had very little fighting to do; once in a while a fellow would pick a fight with me because of some spite, frequently because I refused to drink with him, or because he was egged on to do it; and this year I was licked by three toughs in Batavia. They left me senseless because I would not say "enough."

At an unguarded moment they might be taken for "toughs," so they generally erred in the other direction, and were absurdly formal. No people have a keener eye for the amenities than those whose social position is not assured. "Oh, sure, you'll have to take her mother," insisted Marcus. "It wouldn't be the proper racket if you didn't." McTeague undertook the affair. It was an ordeal.

Such conditions brought about an uprising on the part of the more respectable element. Vigilance committees with "Judge Lynch" in command, took hold and from his Court there was neither appeal, nor stays. Witnesses were not held to be essential. The toughs were known and the judgments of the Court generally right. At least the defendants were not left in a condition to make complaint or appeal.

There were among these two gangs of the city's representative "toughs," materials of a far different kind from the actual felon, but who were none the less dangerous, and among them may be classed many leaders of ward politics and volunteer fire companies, and from which Lew Baker and his victim, Bill Poole, "The Paudeen," "Reddy, the Blacksmith," and numerous others were afterwards developed; but they were oftener far more guilty than the real criminals, for they aided and abetted, and in cases of arrest befriended them, causing their subsequent escape from the penalties justly due for their crimes.

One of 'em had just come from Felix Marchand and he was full of it. What was it? Why, the second night of the strike your new bridge over the river was to be blown up. Marchand was to give these two toughs three hundred dollars each for doing it." "Blown up with what?" Ingolby asked sharply. "Dynamite." "Where would they get it?" "Some left from blasting below the mills." "All right! Go on."

"I should imagine that a benevolent Law will put him away in his little cell for at least a brief spell." "Not on your life," said Billy. "He'll prove an alibi." Psmith's eyeglass dropped out of his eye. He replaced it, and gazed, astonished, at Billy. "An alibi? When three keen-eyed men actually caught him at it?" "He can find thirty toughs to swear he was five miles away."

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