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"Aw, aw, did I scare the little Peachy? Watch me show the little Tootsie how nice I can be when I want to Aw aw!" "Quit." She blinked back the ever-recurring tears. "All tired out, too; all tired out. Wait till you see what I'm going to buy you to-night. A great big beefsteak with mushrooms as big as dollars and piping-hot German fried potatoes and onions. M-m-m-m!

MacCall, quite unexpectedly, into the back parlor, or sitting-room, which the family used a good deal nowadays. The lady had been out for an airing in the doctor's two-seated sleigh and she brought in with her a cunning little Pomeranian dog of which she was very fond. It was a pretty, harmless little beast and the Corner House girls thought Tootsie awfully cunning.

"The only names I have are names of candy, and I'm sure you don't want any of those, do you? There is peppermint and spearmint and cinnamon and lemon drops and cocoanut kisses and lollypops and jaw-breakers and tootsie rolls and chocolate do you want any of those names?" "No," replied the little pig boy, "I don't think I like any of those names for myself.

Pushey alongay roadie pour tootsie see?" He, fag-end in mouth, helmet far on the back of his head, rifle slung and hands in pocket, swaggered along behind his "outangs" on their journey to the cages. His blankets when you have none of your own are a decided advantage.

Poor cold little hands!" Her wraith of a smile dissolved in a spurt of hot tears which flowed over her words. "Gee! Ain't I the nut to to cry? I I'll be all right in a minute." "I knew when I seen them red eyes the little Peachy wasn't up to snuff, and her cute little devilishlike ways. What's hurting you, Tootsie? Been bounced? You should worry. I'm going to steal you out of that cellar, anyways.

Perhaps, after all, he didn't like Millings. Perhaps that was what was wrong with him. The Victor was playing: "Here comes Tootsie, Play a little music on the band. Here comes Tootsie, Tootsie, you are looking simply grand. Play a little tune on the piccolo and flutes, The man who wrote the rag wrote it especially for Toots. Here comes Tootsie play a little music on the band."

Immediately Bob Ramdell, a youth of sixteen, rushed eagerly out to greet Bert. "I'm glad you've come," he cried. "I've been watching for you for an hour." "It isn't noon yet," answered Bert. All were soon into the house and Sam drove the sleigh around to the barn. Bob Ramdell had a sister Susie, who was almost Nan's age, and a baby brother called Tootsie, although his real name was Alexander.

Presently the drawl of Mr. Ellis was heard, pleading with a fair and anonymous Central, whom he addressed with that charming impersonality employed toward babies, pet dogs, and telephone girls, as "Tootsie," to abjure juvenility, and give him 322 Vincent, in a hurry. "You'll excuse me, Mr.

Miss Willard was sometimes forced to be separated from him more than a year at a time, but neither time nor change had any effect upon Tootsie. At the first sound of her voice he would spring to her side. He is a magnificent Angora, weighing twenty-four pounds, with the long, silky hair, the frill, or lord mayor's chain, the superb curling tail, and the large, full eyes of the thoroughbred.

"And the people that mailed 'em stuck on a measly red two-cent stamp. I git fifty dollars for bringin' 'em the last sixty miles." "And it's worth it, too." "You're just right. Pretty tough trail. Pretty tough! Say!" he exclaimed, suddenly remembering a bit of gossip, "did ye hear about Tootsie Silock?" "No." Marian was busy with the mail.