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"I had been hanging around the Cameron building for some days," Big Bob began, feebly, "hoping to get a look at the Tolford papers. I had bribed Scoby, and he was helping me all he could. It was for me that he got the key to the suite made."

"What occurred when these papers were last left in this office over night?" Nestor asked, and Fremont, a sudden recollection stirred by the question, replied that there had been an attempt at burglary the last time the Tolford estate papers were left there at night. Nestor smiled at the startled face of the boy as he related the occurrence, but made no comment.

Even when the cook began preparations for the morning meal, filling the air with tantalizing odors of cooking food, they sat in serious consultation with no thought of breakfast in their minds. "What ought we to do?" asked Jack. "Go and look him up," suggested George Tolford. "He may have become lost in the jungle," Peter Fenton remarked. "Suppose we go out into the jungle and fire our guns?"

They are trying to reduce the outside supply of knowledge about their movements." "There was nothing said about papers being stolen, was there?" asked the lieutenant. "Perhaps the necklace really was the point of attack." Nestor turned to George Tolford. "Do you know where Frank kept his necklace?" he asked. "Sure I do," was the quick reply. "He kept it in a hinky-dinky little safe up in his room.

"Now," Lieutenant Gordon said, "we'll go after the men higher up." He started back as he uttered the words, for Mr. Shaw, Harvey Chester, Col. Van Ellis, George Tolford, and Tony Chester came hastening toward him. "There are three of the men higher up!" the lieutenant shouted. "I arrest you, gentlemen, for treason!" The three men drew back in surprise and Mr. Shaw stepped forward.

Did you steal the Tolford will out of the envelope that night? If you are the heir who has been trying to get it, you certainly got a chance then." Big Bob started violently, walked rapidly for a few moments, and then dropped back to Fremont's side, just as the boy had figured on his doing. This talk of the Tolford estate seemed to be attractive to the fellow.

The other two will show in time, and are likely to bring out a great deal of excitement." "I have been wondering all the way down here," Fremont said, "why you copied one of the papers in the Tolford estate packet. I know now. There is in that sheaf of papers a description of a lost Mexican mine a very valuable mine which has been lost for any number of years. I remember of hearing Mr.

"He is the son of Cole Tolford, who was killed in New York a long time ago, and would have inherited the property." "And Mr. Cameron knew that?" asked Nestor, his old suspicions, voiced to Fremont at the time they talked of Mother Scanlon, recurring to his mind. "Of course he knew," was the reply. "With Cameron out of the way, and the boy ignorant of his parentage, I would have been safe.

Ever hear of the Tolford mine?" he added abruptly. The renegade gave a quick start at the question. "How do you know they are down here?" he asked. "Nestor says they followed on down after us. Were you there when they got into the office and got the description?" he continued.

"You are one of the heirs to the Tolford estate, and you objected to the manner in which the property was left by Julius Tolford, especially as it was left mostly to Cole Tolford and his heirs. So you made a new will, as much like the old one as you could manage, and left it in the envelope?" "Yes, I did that!" "I thought so," said Nestor.