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"But suppose," continued the enthusiastic man, deepening his tone as he became more earnest, "suppose that I am not killed, but only severely injured and mangled so as to be utterly unfit to attend to my worldly affairs what then?" Mrs Tipps shuddered to think of "what then."

And folks don't know they've got there. "Tipps says there's hopes of her from just that word bad. She wouldn't have put that in, otherways. Well, he brought her here, and the baby. And they're both up-stairs. She's as weak as water, now the drink is out of her. But it wasn't all drink. The desperation is in her eyes, though it's give way, and helpless. And what to do with 'em next, I don't know."

"There is one waiting, mother take my arm. Many, many thanks for your kindness in coming with her, Gurwood," said Tipps. "I can't ask you to come with me just now, I " The rest of his speech was lost in consequence of the impatient old lady dragging her son away, but what had been heard of it was sufficient to fill Mr Blunt with surprise and perplexity.

"Quite true, darling," replied Mrs Tipps, who was a candid though obtuse soul; "the result is unsatisfactory, eminently so; yet I cannot charge myself with careless omissions. See here it is; on one side are my receipts. Your dear father always impressed it so earnestly on me that I should keep the receipts of money on one side of the accounts, and the payments on the other.

But Mrs Tipps remained obdurate, and the captain left her, vowing that he would forthwith devote it as the nucleus of a fund to build a collegiate institute in Cochin-China for the purpose of teaching Icelandic to the Japanese.

"Yes," replied the youth, somewhat confused by the earnestness of the old lady's gaze, "but pray read the letter the telegram I fear " He stopped, for Mrs Tipps had torn open the envelope, and stood gazing at it with terrible anxiety depicted on her face. "There is no cause for immediate fear, I believe," began Edwin, but Mrs Tipps interrupted him by slowly reading the telegram.

He pulled a paper out of his pocket energetically, and put on a pair of gold spectacles, through which he looked when consulting the pamphlet, and over which he glanced when observing the effect of what he read on Mrs Tipps.

Seeing him thus wholly immersed in the acquisition of money, and not knowing his motive, his faithful little friend Joe Tipps one day amazed, and half-offended him, by reminding him that he had a soul to be cared for as well as a body. The arrow was tenderly shot, and with a trembling hand, but Joe prayed that it might be sent home, and it was. From that date Edwin could not rest.

Sometimes I'm obleeged to go as high as nigh seventy miles an hour to make up time." "The fastest mail-coaches in my young days," said Mrs Tipps, "used to go at the rate of ten miles an hour, I believe." "Pretty much so," said John. "They did manage a mile or two more, I'm told, but that was their average of crawlin' with full steam on."

"You know, mamma, at the worst we can sell our furniture or part of it and pay them off, and then, with a system of rigid economy " A postman's knock cut short the sentence, and in a few seconds Mrs Durby careworn and subdued presented a letter to her mistress and retired. "My my dear!" exclaimed Mrs Tipps, "th-this is positively miraculous.