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Some Indian Romeo is serenading his dusky Juliet in the neighboring town; flocks of roysteriug parrots go whirring past at all hours of the night, and a too liberal indulgence in red-hot curry keeps me on the verge of a nightmare almost till the silvery tinkle-tinkle of the Brahman bells announces the break of day.

The sound cheers him; it is not exactly monotonous, owing to the bells being of various sizes and also greatly varying in thickness, so that they produce different tones, from the sharp tinkle-tinkle of the smallest to the sonorous klonk-klonk of the big, copper bell.

"Does your nerve centre tinkle-tinkle like a breakfast bell?" "Right again!" "Have you a feeling that the germs have attacked your Adam's apple and that there won't be any core?" "Yes!" "When you look at the wall paper does your brain do a sort of loop-the-loop and cause you to meld 100 aces or double pinochle?" "Yes, and 80 kings, too!"

"What for?" asked Keedah, who was now more friendly with Umboo. "Why did the hunters kill the elephants, Bango?" "To get their big teeth, or tusks. Our tusks are ivory, you know, and the hunter men, so I have been told, take our teeth to make into round balls, with which they play games, or they use them to put on machines that make tinkle-tinkle sounds."

I even found something sinister in little Zermatt when we got there Zermatt that now I love so, with the rushing, icy river, the cheerful smell of wood smoke, the goats that in the early morning wake one with the tinkle-tinkle of the bells through the street, and the quiet-eyed guides that sit on the wall in the twilight and smoke the pipe of peace.

'Of course we will, said the English lady; 'either before or after our visit to Venice delicious Venice! 'Which you have not seen hein? Mr. Pericles snarled; 'and have not smelt. There is no music in Venice! But you have nothing but street tinkle-tinkle! A place to live in! mon Dieu! The lady smiled.

He withdrew his arm, a skeleton key was selected from the bunch, and then back went his arm to the shoulder. It was a breathless moment. I heard the heart throbbing in my body, the very watch ticking in my pocket, and ever and anon the tinkle-tinkle of the skeleton key. Then at last there came a single unmistakable click.

'Of course we will, said the English lady; 'either before or after our visit to Venice delicious Venice! 'Which you have not seen hein? Mr. Pericles snarled; 'and have not smelt. There is no music in Venice! But you have nothing but street tinkle-tinkle! A place to live in! mon Dieu! The lady smiled.

They talked desultorily as tired men will, their alertness dulled by the contented tinkle-tinkle of the little bell strapped around the neck of big, bay Johnny, Applehead's companion of many a desert wandering.

With that he picks a teapot from our table, balances it careful in one hand, and sends it bang at a shelf full of blue and yellow pitchers. Crash! Smash! Tinkle-tinkle! It was a good shot. He got three or four of 'em at one clip. Next he reaches for the sugar bowl and chucks that. More crash. More tinkle-tinkle.