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"Oh, God forgive you, Larry! That's the worst I say to you, you poor half-dead blaguard!" "Why do you massacray me wid your tongue as you do?" "Go. an go an. I won't make you an answer, you atomy! That's what I'll do. The heavens above turn your heart this day, and give me strinth to bear my throubles an' heart burnin', sweet Queen o' Consolation!

It's not me own throubles that make me dream o' Heaven's wrath, but it's me care for yer sowl, Annorah, and for the sake o' yer gettin' saved at last." "Hear that, Norah, child," said her mother. "Who else ever fretted themselves for yer good? What would become o' ye, an' Father M'Clane gave ye up entirely?

"God knows," said Daly, "I want to have no hand in hurting any of you; but, to tell the truth, Martin, it would be well for Miss Lynch to have a better adviser than you or she may get herself, and, what she'll think more of, she'll get her friends maning you, Mrs Kelly, and your family into a heap of throubles." "Oh, God forbid, thin!" exclaimed Anty. "Niver mind us, Mr Daly," said the widow.

"Dat I may never see the light," began the old woman, "if I thought it wor anything but the turf, and jist the kishes that Barney Smith left there, the morn; and he to say nothing of the barley, and bring all these throubles on me and yer honer, the like of him, the spalpeen!"

Poor Pat an' I were worn out entirely whin we got to Kingston, an' I left the child wid a frind, an' came on alone, I was so eager to see Mike, an' tell him all my throubles; an' there he lies, och hone! my heart, my poor heart, it will break entirely." "And what caused your son's separation from his uncle?" said I. The woman shook her head. "The thratement he got from him was too bad.

Then the priest paused awhile, and the young man, bursting into tears, hid his face against the wall. "I will tell you the consequences, Lord Scroope. They will die. The shame and sorrow which you have brought on them, will bring them to their graves, and so there will be an end of their throubles upon earth. But while I live there shall be no rest for the sole of your foot.

Chairley! Chairley! Chairley Burke! ye divil, wid yer ways O' dhrivin' all the throubles aff, these dhark an' ghloomy days! Ohone! that it's meself, wid all the graifs I have to dhrown, Must lave me pick to resht a bit, sence Chairley Burke's in town.

An enormous anchor, half embedded in the mud of the harbour, was left there by the French fleet during "the throubles of the ruction." It is rather in the way, but three generations of Irishmen have not found time to remove it. "Like ourselves and our counthry it will stick in the mud until the end of time," said a native.

We have yet some thrifle o' money left, as much as will, by all accounts, enable us to take I mane to purchase a farm in America an' isn't it betther for us to go there, and be independent, no matther what it may cost our hearts to suffer by doin' so, than to stay here until the few hundre' that I've got together is melted away out of my pocket into the picket of a landlord that never wanst throubles himself to know how we're gettin' on, or whether we're doin' well or ill.

Trust in God, father, everything's in His hands; if; it's His will to make us suffer, we ought to submit; and if it's not His will, He surely can bring us out of all our throubles. That's the greatest comfort I have."