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"Look here, now," said Mary Ellen, in an aside, to us, "he seems a nice ould gentlemin enough, but think av the throuble ye got us in over Giftie, sure I won't have yez experimentalling wid grandfathers." Granfa appeared to have overheard, for he spoke up. "I just want to bide here a little while, my dearie, till I hear from my son in South Americer.

"Ye'll not find me defindin' th' sellin' iv dhrink to anny man annywhere. There's no wan that's as much iv a timp'rance man as a man that's been in my business f'r a year. I'd give up all th' fun I get out iv dhrinkin' men to escape th' throuble I have fr'm dhrunkards. Drink's a poison. I don't deny it. I'll admit I'm no betther thin an ordinhry doctor.

"Aye," Mary said, "but how do ye know she isn't jist around here somewhere, anyway?" "Aye," the old man said as he nodded his head, "deed that's thrue for you, Mary, she may!" He took his black cutty pipe out of his mouth and gazed at me for a moment. "What d'ye mind best about her?" "I mind a saying she had that has gone through life with me." "'Ivery day makes its own throuble?"

"Isn't Tom Steele a Protesthant himself, John?" "Well, I believe he is. So's Gray, and more of 'em too; but there's a difference between them and the downright murdhering Tory set. Poor Tom doesn't throuble the Church much; but you'll be all for Protesthants now, Martin, when you've your new brother-in-law. Barry used to be one of your raal out-and-outers!"

"Spare yourself the throuble of inquirin'," he replied: "all I can say," he continued, starting up into sudden fury "all I can say, an' I say it I swear it where's the prayer-book?" and he ran frantically to a shelf beside the dresser on which the prayer-book lay, "ay! by him that made me I'll sware it by this sacred book, while I live, Mike Keillaghan, the husband of Peggy Gartland you'll never be, if I should swing for it!

Lord be good to me, for I have stud some throuble! 'Lie down and go to sleep, said I, not being able to comfort or advise. 'You're the best man in the regiment, and, next to Ortheris, the biggest fool. Lie down and wait till we're attacked. What force will they turn out? Guns, think you? 'Try that wid your lorrds an' ladies, twistin' an' turnin' the talk, tho' you mint ut well.

"Kate, I will not lie to ye, colleen" here McTee set his teeth, but Harrigan went on "I hate McTee, and it's for your sake that I hate him. And it's for your sake that I'm goin' to forget it for a while. There's throuble abroad there's a cloud over this ship an' a curse on it "

"Why, Frank said you shot him through the head." "Oi did thot, but whin we returned to th' hut pwhere he was it's up an' gone he had." "Frank says the body was carried off by his friends." "Mebbe it wur, Oi dunno; but whoy th' ould scratch they wur afther takin' all thot throuble an' risk is pwhat bates me.

Loyalty to their shibboleth was beginning to draw them, still grumbling and making use of expressive imprecations, on the way to the nearest polling-station, when one of their leaders drew Professor Roberts aside, and asked him: "Are the bhoys to have nothin' for their throuble? Half a day they'll lose, so they will a dollar each now would be no more than fair "

'Tis not me that shud be talkin', dear knows, dear knows, but the most av my mis misalli'nces was for pure devilry, an' mighty sorry I have been whin harm came; an' time an' again wid a girl, ay, an' a woman too, for the matter av that, whin I have seen by the eyes av her that I was makin' more throuble than I talked, I have hild off an' let be for the sake av the mother that bore me.