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"Spare yourself the throuble of inquirin'," he replied: "all I can say," he continued, starting up into sudden fury "all I can say, an' I say it I swear it where's the prayer-book?" and he ran frantically to a shelf beside the dresser on which the prayer-book lay, "ay! by him that made me I'll sware it by this sacred book, while I live, Mike Keillaghan, the husband of Peggy Gartland you'll never be, if I should swing for it!

He was seated upon a stone, surrounded by a ring of old men and women, to whom he sang and sold a variety of Christmas Carols, many of them rare curiosities in their way, inasmuch as they were his own composition. A littlee beyond them stood Mike Keillaghan and Peggy Gartland, towards both of whom he cast from time to time a glance of latent humor and triumph.

The Doctor's attention to his patient was unremitting; everything that human skill, joined to long experience and natural talent, could do to restore the young man to his family was done; and in the course of a few weeks the friends of Keillaghan had the satisfaction of seeing him completely out of danger.