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The theaters suffered, but not nearly so much as the charities; for though Jingalo was still able decorously to amuse itself and did so at her Majesty's special request, for the sake of trade it could not have its heart successfully wrung by human compassion in more than one direction at a time at least, not to the same extent.

He is our only European visitor, and with the exception of a few civilities and cups of tea, exchanged with our neighbors, we lead a very retired life. Only in the evenings, winding our way through the precipitous little streets and carrying our lanterns at the end of short sticks, we go down to Nagasaki in search of amusement at the theaters, at the "tea-houses," or in the bazaars.

Serafino rode on the box with the driver, and that left Isabel and me to something like a privacy, as we drove by the quarries of travertine where the slaves of old Rome went blind and died hewing out the stone that went to the building of the Coliseum and the theaters of Marcellus and Pompey. We passed the little stream whose waters were blue with sulphur, filling the air with its odor.

He had really seen nothing of the place himself, and he would find out every darned thing worth looking at, and take her to see it theaters, shops, every show in town. When they left the breakfast-table it was agreed upon that they would make the journey the following day.

Thousands of people who had admired the intellect, kindness and humanitarianism of Prof. Foster came to the memorial services held in one of the large theaters of the loop. Mr. Darrow came, his head bowed and grief in his heart. Friends like George Foster never replace themselves. Death becomes not a triumphant argument an aloof clincher for pessimism, but a robber.

"Through a cousin I learned that Julius Flickerbaugh was sick and needed a partner. I came here. Julius got well. We parted. "When I first came here I swore I'd 'keep up my interests. Very lofty! I read Browning, and went to Minneapolis for the theaters. I thought I was 'keeping up. But I guess the Village Virus had me already. I was reading four copies of cheap fiction-magazines to one poem.

A Dutch traveler, Johannes de Witt, who visited London in 1596, has given us the only contemporary drawing we possess of the interior of one of these theaters. They were built of stone and wood, round or octagonal in shape, and without a roof, being simply an inclosed courtyard.

Then we would fill our pockets and haversacks with rolls of bills that would choke a hippopotamus, and ride away to our shack in the mountains, divide up the swag, go on a trip to New York, bathe in champagne, dress like millionaires, go to theaters morning, noon and night, eat lobster until our stomachs would form an anti- lobster union, and be so gay the people would think we were young Vandergoulds.

Hotels may be defined as places where you are forced to dress; and theaters may be defined as places where you are forbidden to smoke. A man can only picnic at home. Now I take, as I have said, this small human omnipotence, this possession of a definite cell or chamber of liberty, as the working model for the present inquiry.

Where the lonely road house had stood at the ford across the Serpentine, and the reckless range riders had stopped to drink and gamble, now stood the town, paved with asphalt and brick, jammed with cottages and office buildings, theaters, factories, warehouses, and mills. Plate glass gleamed in the sun or, at night, blazed in the effulgence of limitless electricity.